Sunday, November 14, 2010

Kudos and Boos!

Dear Kate,

Here's Kudos and Boos for the second week in a row!

Kudos...Beverly Hills Housewives for being amazing! And the drama has officially begun! In this week's episode, the ladies venture to NYC to go to the premiere of the play that Frasier was headlining. Although we have yet to reach the premiere, Kyle Richards and Camille Grammar are making some good telly as they bitch it out at the dinner table approx an hour after they land! Can't wait till next week!!
Boos...Jessica Simpson announced she was engaged today. She began dating this fool since May. Strange that it came just a little over a week since her ex husband announced his engagement, and let's not leave out that they dated for over 4 years. I wonder how involved Joe Simpson is in this relationship!

Kudos...It has to be said again, Darren Criss!! No word yet on whether he will for sure be added as a regular to the hit Glee, but it's pretty cool that he's on the show now!! And with a #1 on iTunes. Not too shabby!!
Boos...LeAnn Rimes. Her recent ex-husband just announced yesterday that he too was engaged. So she tries to win over the public by giving them a shoutout. You are going to do a lot more than congratulate them on Twitter to regain your crown, dear. I give her 10 days and then she'll pull a Jessica Simpson and announce her engagement! Actually these two ladies have a lot in common, they should be besties!!

Kudos...Spanish Town, HMB! Remember how we went for dinner on Friday night to the little house turned restaurant? I would hope so. But man that was a delicious taco!!! YUM! And they also get kudos for being super fast! Two thumbs up Spanish Town! another weekend biting the dust! But this means that there are just 7 working days standing in between me and Thanksgiving!

Here's to a quick week!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Yeah Ya Darren Criss!

Dear Kate,

Tuesday night, fellow SI '05 grad Darren starred as the prep school friend (and potential love interest) of Kurt's on "Glee" and did awesome! His rendition of "Teenage Dream" is number one on iTunes right now! Everyone was impressed with Darren's work that there's talk that he's in negotiations with FOX to be a series regular for Season 3! He's all over the web now--even Perez Hilton gave him a shout out--and bloggers are raving about him.

Darren had a role on "Eastwick" the short lived series about the three witches of, you guessed it, Eastwick. He played the love interest of Rebecca Romaijn-no-longer-Stamos's daughter. But right when he was getting some airtime the series was nixed. I think that the Bonino's (Norcal and Socal editions) were the only one's watching it since Tom was working on that show for casting! But seems to be for the best cause now he has got a roll on a national phenomenon.

Back in the day, Darren and I took Latin together for 3 years (among other classes) so I get to say I knew him when! Yeah ya!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

kudos and boos!

Alllllllrighty Kate, here's some kudos and boos...

Kudos...SF GIANTS! I just can't get over this. It's too exciting. Even though it felt like it happened ages ago! But, who can't love the team of misfits making it all the way to the top! I tell you who can't, everyone who was at the parade this week in SF! I wasn't there (sad face), but saw it on TV and seeing a sea of orange can't help but make you cheer for them!
Boos...the people in the rest of the country who think we too excited. That's right I'm talking to you, ABC news reporter for This Week with Chistiane Amanpour who said that the Giants winning wasn't historic. He must be an A's fan.

Kudos...Nick Lachey and Vanessa Minillo! They got engaged this past week! And their birthdays (on the same day) are this week! Good for you, Nick and Vanessa! I've been routing for you these past 4 years! everyone who made last week the longest week ever. You people know who you are!

Kudos...the election is over!! Yeah ya! America has finally voted so that means we can now finally listen to the radio in peace and watch tv without hearing all of the candidates bad mouth each other. Thank god.
Boos...Keith Oberlmann. He donated some cash money to a few election campaigns and now he's suspended from NBC indefinitely without pay. You really only have yourself (and maybe your lawyer) to blame for not reading your contract more carefully.

Ok, here's to a quick week!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Dear Kate.

Ahh San Francisco Giants, how do I love thee!! Actually the Bay LOVES the Giants! This season, they fought their way to the top and went to the World Series! I admit, I didn't think it was going to happen! But now, SF finally gets to say that their team is the 2010 World Champions!

How could anyone not be excited about it? Comradery? Check! Superstitions? Just a few beards! Little team that could? Love it. And to top it all off? The Parade. People playing hookie, kids skipping school and the entire city covered in orange to celebrate! What more could you ask for? This is just what San Francisco needed.


Monday, October 11, 2010

Another Prediction

Dear Kate,

Just like I did on the eve before Lilo's court sentencing, I would like to take the opportunity to predict what will happen with the once happy Arquette family. This is hard for me to talk about but I will summon the courage, because it must be addressed.

They will get back together and here's why:
1. Their wedding rings say "A deal's a deal" so nuff said.
2. His sister separated from her husband of quite a few years, and they worked it out (never mind that it only lasted a few years before they separated again, got back together, separated and then finally divorced). I think they will work it out.
3. They have been somewhat vocal about their marriage issues and having sought out counseling in the past. With some help, they can work through this.

I can see them separating for a few months, but I would see a change by spring. They will be spotted out being a supportive family around the holidays, a few quite dinners here and there, and then finally he will be spotted moving back into the house.

I have faith that they will be a-ok. They have to be otherwise who else will stay married in Hollywood?

Friday, October 8, 2010

A Moment of Reflection

Dear Kate,

I have reflected on this year these past few days and below are some things that I have learned, and in no particular order...

10. Blogging is a lot of work
9. Marrying a Kardashian can help a team win a national title.
8. Every one deserves forgiveness. Even those who have done you wrong. That's right I'm talking to you, Jessica Simpson.
7. Don't mix wine, beer and margaritas together. You'll be hurting the next day. And Carribe punch. That keeps you hurting.
6. Don't fly to Vegas or is it US Airways? Either way, it's gonna be a rough flight to and from.
5. When giving out a fake number, don't give out your home number
4. People from New Jersey are crazy. Although I can't hate because I will marry Albie Manzo.
3. Jay-Z is my hero and Maroon 5 should win Grammy's
2. Mark Zuckerburg...kind of an ass.
1. Working sucks

Actually that last one is pretty true so it's the number one for sure.


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Birthday Surprise

Dear Kate,

Every morning, when I would go to work, I heard the radio DJs (our faves, Sarah and Vinnie) call people's names and tell them that they have 10 minutes to call and get $500. Finally I had enough. I could totally be one of those people. So, when I got back from Tahoe, Labor Day weekend, I signed up and thought, ok this could be something I never win.

Every day I would be in the car in time to hear the 8:10 name be called (because how sweet would it be to have my favorite morning show, Sarah and Vinnie, announce my name on air!!) and every day for the past month, they would call someone else's name. Today I thought, it would be excellent if they called my name, but highly doubted it! I made sure I was in the car at 8:10 and damn the woman from Milpitas who took my money. Damn! But then it went out of my head because I was so excited that it was my birthday.

Then it became something that I didn't think about and at noon I sat down with Betsy to go over a new project for a client. She's giving me details, I'm taking notes, the usual! Then Mary's husband calls her cell phone and tells her that they just called my name! WHAT? WHEN? NOW? WHAT'S THE PHONE NUMBER! IS THIS A JOKE? were just some off the things that I blurted out when I was running around trying to calm myself and be able to form a sentence.

Finally I got the number and called in and talked to a lovely woman in the promotions department and she asked me a bunch of questions and then chatted me up a bit so she could get a sound bite!! She told me I didn't sound too excited, but I told her that it was my birthday and that I couldn't believe it!

As soon as the interrogation sesh was over--actually I shouldn't call it that because it's my money now-- they played my sound bite (that's right, I'm practically famous now) and I had to tell people about my SWEET present and spread the word that they should enter!!

What are the odds of that happening? And on my birthday? Maybe I should stop singing it's praises until I get my money? Yeah that's a good idea!!

Ok, don't sign up until I see the cash!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

23 Facts as a 23 year old

Dear Kate,

As my 23rd year is here, let's take this opportunity to post on the world wide web 23 random facts. And here we gooooooooo...

1. Fave color is yellow, because it's just so happy
2. Fall is my favorite time of year mostly because of Oct 6 but also because of the colors
3. I hate ocean animals and ocean but love the beach
4. I bruise like a peach
5. I won the Alice Allowance today, bitches
6. I am a girl who likes music--that's for you Kate
7. Celebrity gossip fascinates me, which is why is my home page
8. I am essentially blind in my right eye
9. I love ice cream cakes
10. I love movies but talk through them
11. My fave vacation was the booze cruise to Mexico
12. I'm superstitous--suuuper superstitious
13. I have a glass of water with ice every night by my bed
14. I support any former FRIENDS cast mate in their careers
15. I wear sunglasses even if it's not that bright out
16. White tulips are my favorite flowers
17. I think iced coffee is the best thing ever...but a vanilla latte is a special treat!
18. I love weekend vacations
19. I live for board games-- Sorry! is my favorite
20. I tie my shoes to the side every time
21. I sneeze in threes
22. I touch my nose when I'm nervous and or anxious
23. I have worn the same ring on my middle finger every day since I graduated high school

Ok that's enough of sharing time, and this was your idea of a blog post!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Kudos and Boos

Dear Kate,

It's been a while since we've had some kudos and boos so let's get this rolling...

Kudos...Britney Spears. After this week's episode of Glee, the pop star is on top of her game. Not only was the audience reminded of her sa-weet jams, Stronger anyone?, but she was a guest star! She was on camera probably for a total of 1.5 minutes, but she did well! In real life, she's consistently on Star Tracks on, on the cover of Us Magazine, and everyone's talking about her. Good work Brit!
Boos...Michael Lohan. Why are you still popping up in the news? Your daughter is in rehab and out of the public eye so you should be too.

Kudos... Miley Cyrus. Last week she was spotted at a 21 and over night club. Yet, there was strictly no alcohol around her. Good for her! She knows she's under age (almost 18 though) and she didn't try to get any booze at the club. The public is shocked that she was there, but she already told us that she can't be tamed people! And she was not even drinking, unlike other pop stars we know. Ahem, Lindsay.
Boos...this election. I hate the commercials on the radio and TV about how the other person shouldn't even be allowed to be a human! Man they just get so mean with each other. It's a good thing we are officially 30 days from the end!

Kudos...the SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS! Yeah ya boys. I think that it has everything to do with me going to that one game this season. They won then and they won this weekend. Coincidence? I think not.
Boos...Weekends are just getting shorter and shorter. It always seems like the minute you think you are home free on Friday, the next thing you know it's Sunday night and you are watching Desperate Housewives! I think we should pursue these "3-day" weekends every weekend!!

ok that's all for now, gotta get back to work!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Isn't a Judge supposed to Judge

Dear Kate,

As you know, I'm not a Dancing regular. I am intrigued by the stars dedication to the show, their talent and the media hype surrounding it on a regular basis. However, I did see the Michael Bolton incident of 2010. After performing a lackluster jive--maybe some other dance--I have no idea, the judge told him that it was the worst *insert dance here* in their 11 seasons (and btws 11 seasons is mind blowing, they must crank this show out like Happy Meal toys). Now everyone is on Bruno Tonioli because he was too harsh.

Let me ask you Kate, was anyone on Simon Cowell's case when he was mean on American Idol? Was anyone asking him to do some soul searching? No. Why? Because he's a judge. It's a competition. Michael Bolton knew that when he signed up. And he knew the process, because like I said, there have been 11 seasons! Is it just that Michael expecting some star treatment? But if I got up here and danced, then I am sure that the judges would, well let's be honest they would praise my dance moves, but for this blog post's sake, let's say I was having an off day. They would probably oh I don't know, judge me and critique me.

They are supposed to tell you that you stink if you do. They are supposed to praise you if you are good. They are supposed to comment on your performance. The 8 year olds who watch the show could tell you that.

Didn't anyone ever tell him, there's no crying in Dancing with the Stars?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Housewives. Real and ABC

Dear Kate (still my only reader), 
This week, the Wisteria Lane Housewives came back. And I have to say, I was not impressed. They left us hanging on some serious cliffs last May, so I was expecting a cracked out, all explosive episode...plane crash or tornado episodes anyone? But, to me it was just lame. Although they did bring back Felicia Tilman who always gives me the heebeejeebees, and really did this week when they kept showing her 3-fingered hand. But that was the only exciting part. I am not happy with where Susan and Mike's story line is going. Lynette's kind of lame. Gabby and Carlos are headed into very dangerous territory. And Bree, well, I miss Orson, but the BAG story could be good. 

Then there's the Real Housewives...We see Orange County wives filing domestic dispute cases. New Jersey hubbies are going to jail for 10 days and oh yeah, they have a crackhead running around. DC has people breaking into State Dinners. New York has people saying that they are quitting, then turn around and are on the show. And then there's Atlanta which is just always crazy. I haven't watched Bev Hills, but that's got Fraiser's ex wife so that has to have dirt on my favorite radio psychatrist.

I'm a fan of the Housewives series, well excluding Atlanta, DC I really think I would enjoy, and I could do without NY, but I think they are trying to take over too much territory. For example, you already have OC, must you need Beverly Hills? What about a Real Housewives of Weed County? Or of Kansas City? Or Toledo? Not glamourous I know, but they are unexpected territories that could have some crazy ladies spending their fam's cash like it's nobody's business on crazy things like beef jerkey, tang, John Deer products. 

I don't know if I would watch it, but at least it would be covering a new area that isn't already covered in a reality show cloud. 

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Dear Kate (my only reader),

Yesterday we had a heart to heart about someone who we used to support with her husband and her happy life. I won't dwell on the sour parts or how she broke a certain someone's heart and stomped on the broken pieces. Alas, that was in 2005--actually Thanksgiving 2005-- and so we thought she had taken the public beating she so well deserved and it was now time to move on. All because of one US magazine article about how she dropped her former best friend for her new boy toy.

As much as it pains me to say that I forgive Jessica for making poor decisions, the time has come to begin the healing process. Nick had a sa-weet album, happy and found love again with Vanessa, and clearly won over the public. Jessica is working the circuit with the professional football players and has her clothing line. Joe Simpson is out of our faces. It's a win all around. Now, if there's any scandal with them that gets dragged through the media, there's no choice with who's team to be on, but the time has come to forgive.

I don't think any one can really forget the Behind the Music: Nick Lachey that came a short time after their divorce was finalized. And I think that showed the world that he really just wanted to be married but she had different priorities. (That part where he talks about the first time he held his niece and how everything else just seems insignificant. Profound. Moving. Touching.)

Perhaps they just married too young. Perhaps her father just played too much a roll in her life. Perhaps Nick just deserved better (duh). Whatever the reason for that break up heard round the world, they have both moved on. Their marriage may be one of those small Wikipedia entries 45 years down the road that no one remembers. They may one day become friends. No one really knows what's in store for one of Reality TV's first couple. All I know is that today, I am ready to forgive.

Unless she pulls any shit.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Lilo's Fate...

Tomorrow the book gets thrown at Lindsay Lohan. Or at least that's what I think. Well, when I say get the book thrown at her, I mean she would get 30 days in prison. And by prison, I mean low security county jail. And by 30 days I mean she'll be out in 4 days. Why so low? Because of California's over crowded jails. So where will she go from there? Rehab. And by rehab, I mean an ultra-exclusive, no civilians, only celebrities "center" that's really some friend's house in Southern California. Where in SoCal? Orange County...the prettiest part, duh. Then of course, it's her friend so they will release her early, saying she's healthy but it's really because he wants to make room for Amy Winehouse--that's right she's finally gonna go to rehab, yeah yeah yeah--and Lindsay's got to start filming her new movie. Everyone will think, oh she's been through this twice now, so she'll straighten up. And so she'll be "smooth sailing" for a couple of weeks. Making money on her new movie, and then one night she'll be walking out of a club with some crack on her shoes. People, Us, Star, The Globe will have their lead story for a while as we await the next court date. Here we go again.

Ok I've got 10 on my theory.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Is 55 Stories really that tall?

Last Saturday, Christopher ventured to Denver for an annual climb up Denver's tallest building, which is apparently 55 stories. I believe he does it every year along with a bunch of other firefighters in honor of the September 11th attacks. Not only did he run it once, but he did it twice in all his gear.

Now 55 stories is tall, but when you compare it to some of the tallest buildings in the country, is it really? The Willis Tower in Chicago is currently the tallest building in the country at 108 floors, and of course essentially famous for that scene in "Adventures in Babysitting" but then you hear about the Empire State Building in it's ArtDeco 102-story glory and the 100-story John Hancock Tower in Chicago. Don't get me wrong, 55 stories are more than what I would want to climb for kicks on a Saturday, but when I found out that it was the tallest building in the state's capital I was taken a little aback. I did do some more investigating (I mean, for the blog I will research anything...and it also takes up part of the day) was surprised to find the tallest building in SF, the TransAmerica building was only 48 and that it is the tallest skyscraper in the city's skyline. Who would have thought Denver would have a taller skyline than SF? Definitely not me!

Anywho, back to the story at hand, CJB ran up and down this building twice, and made the newspaper and decided that he's famous! Mom thought it was super impressive that after running up and down this building twice, that he was standing up in the picture, but come on Mom! Of course he's gotta show that he's tough stuff for the newspaper!

Here's the link for the article...

Saturday, September 11, 2010

My Saturday Morning

After a trip to the gym this morning, Lisa had a craving for some Jamba Juice and I really wanted an iced tea. Where can you get both of those on one quick stop? The Best Buy shopping complex. So we motor over that way and there was a line of cars trying to get into the parking lot (only one way to get into the lot...not ideal) and an even longer line to get out. We had the windows rolled down, and this older lady in a caddy convertible was driving out and she mentions to us "There's a bomb threat in the complex. There's a bomb threat in the complex." And she kept saying it to every car behind us. First thing that ran through my mind, get me the eff out. Of course, Lisa took her sweet ass time trying to maneuver the other cars that were making their great escape, or just the families who were strolling through the parking lot making their way to Jamba.

I spotted a few police cars surrounding a couple of cars so naturally I thought that they were the bomb holders and what was just beyond the cops? Oh a family just chillin. Meanwhile, I'm freaking out that a bomb could go off any second telling Lisa to take charge and not let other cars cut in front of her. Well finally we were out of there, and headed towards the other Starbucks (god forbid Lisa didn't get an Iced Tea) .

But seriously, San Carlos? Since when did we hit the bomb threat list?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

"Celebrities" who are bugging me

If we would call them this, but these people are just bugging me...and in now particular order, well except number one, because she really pisses me off::

1. Melissa Rycroft
2. Kate Gosslin
3. Heidi Montag
4. Danielle Staub
5. Kristin Stewart
6. Jesse James
7. Jake Pavelka
8. Jessica Alba
9. Tom Cruise
10. Bristol Palin
11. Dina Lohan
12. Angelina Jolie
13. Paris Hilton
14. Vanessa Hudgens
15. Mel Gibson

We fell into Fall

When did this happen? Where did summer go? It seems like yesterday it was Memorial Day weekend but we just wrapped up Labor Day! Kids are officially back in school--well not the Quarter kids, shows are beginning to come back, summer series are wrapping up and there is definitely a chill in the air.

Speaking of chill...who saw New Jersey Housewives Reunion? This season's reunion was definitely the most outrageous and half of the show is not audible because people are bitching over other people, people were screaming at each other, f-bombs were dropped like nobody's business. It was definitely something that you have to watch more than once so you can understand what the hell was going on, but it's too much! Within the first 10 minutes, Teresa was off the couch screaming at an extremely high pitch, knocking people over. I thought that was the biggest showdown, then I remembered that it was 10 minutes into a 2.5 hour reunion special. Then the hits just kept rolling. To put it lightly, this was out. of. control.

I think the best part was after Kim G was on and the ladies were chatting with Andy Cohen about how they all are not friends with her. The whole group was saying that they hated this broad and then Andy mentioned that they all agreed on it...Nope they can't even agree on that.

These are some craaazy bitches. I love them but they be crazy.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Kudos and Boos-Emmy Edition

Here we go here we go satellite radio, y'all getting hit with KUDOS AND BOOS.

Kudos...Cameron from Modern Family! My bets were on Neil Patrick Harris (who I love) but I love that Cam won! I fell in love with the show when he introduced Lily to the family. Some of my fave moments include: Cam screaming and being mistaken for a woman, Cam's interviews with Mitchell, Cam bonding with Gloria, and so many more!
Boos...Amy Poehler losing in Best Actress in a Comedy. This year Parks and Rec has brought it and always delivers a good show. Just yesterday I watched the season finale and thought that this is phenom! Fave episodes include: when they had a stake out at the pit, when she's set up on a date with the MRI tech (which is her hubby Will Arnett), ANY episode with Rob Lowe.

Kudos...Jane Lynch. She has had maaaaany a guest spots on some legit shows, such as Friends, Psych, Weeds, and many more. But she finally got her spot as the cold-hearted gym teacher in Ohio. Sure she gets herself into lots of blackmailing deals, some moral dilemmas, always keeps tracksuits in style when they aren't and doesn't necessarily make friends with fellow faculty members, but she sure is entertaining!
Boos...Steve Carell losing :( It's his last year as the ever-so-awkward Michael Scott, rules the Scranton branch so I feel like he should have gotten a something. But Jim Parsons is pretty good too.

Kudos...George Clooney. He got the Bob Hope award as he should from his days as Dr. Doug Ross on ER. He was so good on that show that I actually stopped watching when he left. Actually that's a lie, I stopped watching when Carol (Juliana Margulies) went to be with him in Seattle. Once that happened I thought, ok, they are happily ever after. I'm surprised it took the Academy this long to award him, I mean look at him.
Boos...E! They told me the wrong time for the Emmy's to start so I missed the opening sequence. Ryan Seacrest, you just climbed up my shit list.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sabbatical Over

It's been almost a month since I last blogged. An unexplained 4 week sabbatical that I never intended to take. I'm not sure why I took this...perhaps part of it had to do with my week long vacation in beautiful San Clemente (although it was a little chilly down there). Or perhaps nothing really jumped to my attention to blog about. Perhaps I am just in some sort of a funk. But, I think that time has passed, so rest assured readers (well let's be real...Kate) I will be back and better than ever.

The Tiger Woods divorce scandal hit big this week, so here's a video to kick off my rival from back when the story first hit the tickertakes...haha it makes me laugh every time! Watch the video here.

Friday, July 30, 2010

I Don't Like Cats

Like I said, I can't concentrate because it's Friday and almost my vacation time (that causes time to literally stop). So I thought I would blog about something that happened to me almost 2 weeks ago!

It was bright and early as I was getting out of my car and was getting my purse, coffee, etc. when I see this tabby cat walking (actually more like bee-lineing it) towards me. I didn't really think much of it because I don't like cats and give off that vibe to them so they stay away but then as I was standing trying to close my door, I guess I spent a little too much time finding my ground or something but this random cat jumped in--even though I was yelling, NO GET OUT GET OUT at it. But no, the tabby cat just walked around the front seat. It's a good thing that I didn't have any food or trash lying around otherwise it would have made itself comfy.

So, I was trying to think on my feet and then it came to me. When Lady Di spots a foe (aka cat) in our yard she makes this high pitched hissing noise. I did just that, but the cat flipped out! It all of the sudden was leaping from the front seat to the back seat to the trunk in a blink (or half a blink) of the eye. Shit now I got this cat flipping out in my trunk and I keep making this hissing noise, how am I gonna get it out!? So then I think, I can't open my trunk (the window comes up and the bottom portion swings open) otherwise this beast will claw my face off.

"Think on your toes, think on your toes and maybe stop hissing because it obviously doesn't like it." So it came to me and I opened the door behind the driver and then it finally jumped out. I kind of moved around a bit in a circle to make sure that it wasn't following me or anything but it just parked it underneath my car.

What a demented cat. A dog wouldn't have done that.

On the Brink of a Vacation

When you are so close to a vacation so many things begin to happen:

1. Time at work comes to a standstill--How is it not 4:00 yet?
2. Time at home speeds up to the speed of light--Why was I up so late packing?
3. Your laundry basket triples in size and the loads take longer--It must have been years since I last did laundry!
4. You always remember something you forgot to pack--Forgot my jacket
5. You spend more time getting things organized at work that it's almost too much work--Almost but I'm still taking that damn vacation
6. You seem to be the only one on the road who knows how to drive--I guess they will give anyone a license these days!
7. You can't concentrate on work--I am over this, what's going on in the celeb world?
8. The night before you leave you're up in the middle of the night thinking about things to do for work-- Oh gotta send that and make a folder for her!
9. Periodically which turns into constantly checking the weather--I do feel I have the power to change the weather if I check enough...true story.
10. You start to say stupid things--And if you have any questions, you can go ahead and call me or I'll be checking my email.

And yes, I have said all of these at least once in the past week.

Monday, July 19, 2010

My Celebrity Kind of Weekend

This weekend was a truly monumental weekend. First, Lisa and I made great time getting to LA, mostly because we didn't have Marko "I obey the speedlimit" to slow us down and we were on a mission to get to Nonni's by dinner time. We got down there in about 6 hours and really only hitting some traffic at our exit-Los Feliz! We had a little early birthday dinner for Uncle Gary (who's actual birthday is today--Happy Birthday!) and just chatted till it was time to call it. Alas no celebrities on Friday night!

Saturday was the big day. We were going wedding dress shopping at 10 sharp in Beverly Hills. So, in pre-wedding mode, Lisa, Sarah and I went on a hike in Griffith Park--again, no celeb spotting, and my hopes were beginning to dwindle. So, a while later we were standing in Nonni's drive way getting the troops together and then across the street two guys were walking together and one was tall, kind of gangly, and had a scruffy face. It looked like...VINNIE CHASE!! Although, I can neither confirm nor deny my sighting-it could have very well been a mirage. Well, I was not jumping up and down about it, due to my doubts, so I wasn't dwelling on it and we ventured to Beverly Hills to try on wedding dresses.

So at Alfred Angelo, we meet Valerie, our newest best friend/bridal confidant. She literally brought out 12 dresses for Sarah (although she only tried on 10) and helped us with voting. Of course, the first dress was the winner, but we didn't want to make her sad, so Sarah tried on them all but we all kept going back to the first one. So, after 2 hours of wedding dresses, and a couple of bridesmaid dresses, we bid farewell to Alfred and hung around Bev Hills for a while, then ventured to FIDM where I tried to stock LC but alas she wasn't there.

A little later we went to the reception location, and went out later on. I kept my eyes peeled at the bar just in case someone walked in but sadly no one walked in. Just when I started to give up all hope, God threw me a bone. We were getting our car to go back home from the valet and all of the sudden Sarah and Tom had these "oh my gosh" faces on and said, it's Jermaine! I looked over and saw the guy he was with and thought, No Sarah, that is not Jermaine Dupri. Then, Sarah said, from Flight of the Conchords! AHHH yes! Flight of the Conchords! (A hilarious show on HBO that they just burst into random song...soo funny, he's the one with the glasses!) It was confirmed when he said, in his New Zealand accent, Hi, I'm Jermaine. YEAH YA! That's two (possibly) in one day! Who knew I was capable of such celebrity power!

Finally on Sunday, I was feeling pretty hot after two (pretty sure) celeb sightings so we went to brunch at a trendy brunch place, The Alcove. I was facing the entrance so I was keeping my eyes peeled whilest enjoying my french toast brioche, and then all of the sudden Sarah literally jumps out of her chair and says, "JULIE! A Jonas Brother!" I whip around and say, "Where!" Then she hands me a cup of water and tells me to get water, to which I say, "No, I have water," then I caught on and walked inside. I didn't think it was him, so I came back reluctantly, but Sarah was convinced. Meanwhile, there were two teens--maybe borderline tweens--sitting next to us and they were not amused about our sighting, which was another reason why I was hesitant. So, Tom decided to be the final vote and went to "get water." He came back with confirmation that it was Joe Jonas! Even when he walked past us, the two girls still did not get stoked. Tom decided they were Bieber fans.

So, that's my celebrity weekend. Sorry no photos, but didn't want to look like paparazzi--celebrities are people too! JK- I just couldn't get a good shot.

Friday, July 16, 2010

The Time is Now

Lisa and I are driving to LA this afternoon to do some wedding stuff with Sarah and not to mention, I need a serious change of scenery! These past few weeks in the City of Good Living have taken it out of me so vacay here I come! But, it should be a good weekend of LA sun, dress shopping, and Nonni's cooking!

And I am positive that we will have a serious celeb sighting. Whether it be Nonni’s hip neighbor, Vinnie Chase or some bride who’s trying to keep her shotgun wedding on the down low in the Beverly Hills bridal boutique! I got a good feeling about this one. I am going to their turf, so I gotta see at least one...hell I'll even take a Twilight "star" if I gotta. Now not the last time but the time before I finally saw Niles Crane…Nonni’s neighbor for years, and I mean YEARS, so I feel some sort of hex or curse was lifted. I know everyone says they are just real people so sometimes you don’t recognize them, blah blah blah but believe you me, when I’m down south, I got my eyes peeled and a mental Rolodex of celebrities in overdrive.

I will come back with a sighting (I cannot guarantee a photo) on Monday. If it’s the last thing I do.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Kudos and Boos!

It's Sunday so....

Kudos...Christopher! On Monday he graduated from the Vail Fire Department! En route home from Boston, Mom and Dad stopped in to Vail to see the ceremony. Somehow, my brother neglected to inform me that one of his instructors was Ryan Sutter. That's right, Ryan who won over Trista the Bachelorette, and I think only one of two couples who actually got married from the show. Anywho, putting his negligence aside, CJB got his diploma from the Academy and is now a bonafide employee. At least I think that's what's going on...the Fire system is one of the most convoluted and illogical systems so there may be more schooling in the future, I have no idea. But woohoo!!
Boos...Jessica Simpson. She turned 30 yesterday and she's celebrating by bringing some PDA in our faces. The "star" celebrated in Capri with her new boytoy, former 49er turned Saints player Eric Johnson. I think it's time for an intervention for Mr. Johnson! all the celebrity couples who got married this weekend! Carrie Underwood and Mark Fisher, John Krasinski and Emily Blunt, Lala Vazquez and Carmelo Anthony, and Martin Lawrence and Shamicka Gibbs! I hope they all had different wedding planners or Mindy Weiss has some trusty associates!
Boos...Lindsay Lohan. Although she is now lawyer-less, she's got about a week left before she is supposed to take refuge in the big house. Note the supposed to, she may spend only a few hours in jail like she did last time or be as much a prisoner as Paris Hilton. I would be surprised if she makes it a week.

Kudos...Spain! The 2010 World Cup Winners! Well done boys! I really didn't have a preference in this match, but my heart goes out to the Netherlands goalie. That's gotta be rough. But well done Spain!
Boos...I can't think of another one so Boo to that.

Happy week!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Two Trainwrecks

Lindsay Lohan and Mel Gibson are two of a kind. They won the hearts of many with their movies and then within the past few alive there was no turning back. Let's take a moment to relive their rollercoasters.

Lindsay Lohan: Precious in an all-time classic, The Parent Trap. She won the hearts of millions, and then she picked a fight with fellow tween, Hilary Duff (who I am sure is sitting pretty right about now) over, who else, Aaron Carter (he's so fly he has two A's in his name). Then everything just went downhill. She developed a reputation on set, out late partying all the time, her parents went crazy for the spotlight (her dad's more recent BFF: Jon "I'm a complete Tool" Gossling) and before you knew it she was in and out of rehab and wearing a SCRAM bracelet. Now, this week she was sitting in court and hit with the Judges hand and sentenced to 90 days in jail. Sobbing she says she's been treated unfairly and did everything she was supposed to, but wait, she missed her weekly AA meetings. Oh and to top it all off, she had an inappropriate phrase on her nails, saying it was a joke. I don't think you're laughing now Lindsay.

Mel Gibson: Braveheart. The Patriot (one of my absolute favorites), Pocahontas and made a little film about Jesus. Seemed to be a clutch celeb in the homes of America--I was a fan, especially after he was Benjamin Martin in one of my favorite movies. Then, after a night of drinking, he gets pulled over on PCH and ran his mouth, proving that maybe he was not worthy of his squeaky clean image. Then things just seemed to spiral into a black hole. Divorcing his wife who he had a litter of children with, and then his galpal is pregnant! There was a while when he was out of the spotlight, but helping out his good friend Britney Spears when she was going through a bit of a rough patch. Now that man is back in the headlines, with a bitter custody battle and it was released today that could be guilty of domestic abuse. I don't know if you will be the comeback kid, Mel.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Kudos and Boos...Patriotic Style!

Kudos...The patriots from back in the day! Without them, we wouldn't live in the land of the free or have a sweet movie that Mel Gibson starred in (pre-meltdown of course). That movie could be my most favorite thing about 4th of July.
Boos...The crisis in the gulf. I do not like BP or Tony Hayward.

Kudos...American TV. Sure, the Brits gave us some of their classics...the Office anyone? But then you have to look at the ones that American stations developed...Parks and Recreation, Friends, How I Met Your Mother, New Jersey Housewives, I could go on. Some may say it causes viewers to lose braincells, but hell, I call it good TV.
Boos...Bomb threat at JFK today. After an evacuation in a terminal, no bomb was produced, yet you would think that it would put a damper on some people's holiday plans.

Kudos...Americans at sporting events...the comradery at the Olympics (more summer than winter), the baseball games, the world cup. It's so heartwarming when you see a fan with a face painted American Flag on his face. Makes you proud to be an American.
Boos...major debt in CA. Because of the states bankruptcy, many cities were forced to reevaluate their 4th of July festivities. Redwood City slashed their firework display, but opted to keep their "famous" parade. But people did come out and support the parade and their American heritage with red white and blue outfits!

HAPPY 4th of JULY!!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

America's 12:01

It's almost July 4th so I thought I would do a shout out to the good old USA. Sure it's in serious debt, 1/2 the country's at war with the other and Sarah Palin is still running around telling people she can see Russia from her front door, but hell it's a great place to be!

Happy 12:01 USA!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Bugging and Loving Celebrities!

This week here's which celeb is bugging me and who I'm loving!!

Bugging...Jake Pavelka. I'm a celebrity junkie, but he's a fame whore!
Loving...Katy Perry. She keeps delivering good jams...her latest single is the title of every California girl's album on the book. Surprise? I think not.

Bugging...Katy Perry, really only because of her spelling in her no. 1 song"California Gurls" it bugs me just complaining about it.
Loving...Justin Bateman. He got booed at the Apple Store this week because an employee brought him out of line and let him cut. Perk of fame, tech freaks...get over it!!

Bugging...Ghana. They took down USA, therefore shit list.
Loving...Landon Donovan. Alas, we were taken out by Ghana, homeboy had some impressive foot work out on the field in this World Cup!! Not to mention scoring some pretty important goals.

Bugging...Danielle Staub from NJ Housewives. This woman is off her rocker.
Loving...Nick Lachey...his album came up on Shuffle and I got to say...some good jams on that CD. He totally won America over. Jessica, not so much.

Bugging...Anyone from Twilight. I don't care people.
Loving...Entourage's Entourage! Show comes back tomorrow night!! Yeah YA!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Celebrity Couples

1. Surprise surprise, reality fame lovin tool Jake Pavelka split from his "chosen" gal Vienna. Not that I watched his season as the man slut, excuse me, Bachelor, but I knew this guy was up to no good when he decided that he wanted to do Dancing with the Stars. Before trying to woo Jillian on the Bachelorette he was a supposed "pilot" but he quickly turned in his wings when the reality kings came knocking. Sadly, I think this fool will be in the news for quite some time (but hopefully only when it's a slow news day at People Magazine).

2. Ryan Seacrest is dating Julianne Hough? They seem like an odd couple mostly because he is annoying as all hell. But they are still in the "honeymoon" stage I suppose. So only time will tell.

3. Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart...only took them 8 years, but they finally made it official! Although I think her hubby on Brothers and Sisters, Rob Lowe, is beautiful and anyone else seems somewhat mediocre, being able to call Indiana Jones your husband isn't half bad. Kudos!

4. Jennifer Garner has got pregnancy rumors flailing about! Yeah Ya! Way to make Ben an honest man! I think this is one of my favorite Hollywood families!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Kudos and Boos!

It's been a while, but get over it:

Kudos...ME for finally getting my act together and doing Kudos and Boos on a Sunday! yeah ya!
Boos...the Ref from the US v. Slavania game. You are on sooooo many people's shit list right now. Including my own. And for future reference, next time you take away a goal, maybe have a reason!

Kudos...Marko (and all the other dad's out there!)...Happy Father's day! We spent the day at the movies seeing Toy Story 3! I think that the four of us brought the age demographic waaaay up, but it was an effin good movie! So cute!
Boos...NCAA for literally throwing the book at USC and banning them from Bowl games for the next two years! After an "investigation" of how a company was funding the airfare for Reggie Bush's family coming to games, they came to this redic conclusion last week. First of all, NCAA maybe you should work a little faster seeing as Reggie hasn't played for USC in two seasons! And just get off your power trip!

Kudos...The Lakers! Nonni was their No. 1 fan and they pulled it off in the last game of the series and now Lamar Odom can keep Khloe Kardashian happy in their mansion! And i guess Kobe and Vanessa in theirs too! One day I will go to a Laker's game and see a celebrity. They flock to the Laker's games.
Boos...iTunes prices. What happened to $0.99 a song? They have been charging $1.29 for some songs for quite some time now but it still pisses me off when I buy my music.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

If you are in Hawaii...

This morning I was listening to my fave radio show, Sarah and Vinnie, and they were talking about the train wreck couple, Brian Austin Green and Megan Fox. They have been engaged, broken up, dating, broken up, dating since apparently 2004. So now these crazy kids feel like they are on the right track again so on June 1, BAG decided to propose to Megan when they were in Honolulu, on a beach. Well, both of them had a serious party foul. When he proposed she was so stoked that she was jumping up and down so much that the ring (which obviously was too big) flew off her had and into the sand. It must have been quicksand because they spent 2 hours looking for it, and DID NOT prevail. So instead of staying there till they found it, they decide to walk away.

Sarah and Vinnie raised a good point…why not whip out a metal detector people!? Every summer in San Clemente, I always say that my goal for the week is to get a metal detector, and comb the beach, find some serious cash money and then retire. So I should get my butt on a plane to Hawaii and make my dream a reality!! Having a 2 CARAT ring in my pocket is not shabby. And there are options for me with it. I could either keep it, after having it resized from that woman’s stick fingers of course. Or I could sell it and retire.

Or, and I feel this would be most likely, I could use it as leverage with BAG and Megan to meet some celebs. But that plan has some flaws…I don’t know who they really hang out with. It could be some 6 degrees of separation though…Megan could talk to her transformers buddy Shia LeBouf who could talk to his Wall Street amigo Josh Brolin..who could talk to his step mom Barbra Streisand. Oooor, I could have BAG talk to is 90210 sister Jennie Garth who could talk to her husband Peter Facinelli..who could talk to his Twilight friend Taylor Lautner. Just kidding, I don't want to chat with him, so he would talk to his Valentine’s day costar Kathy Bates who could THEN talk to any of her Office pals—most specifically John Krasinski. Done. Who wants to go to Hawaii?

Help! They need some money!

My favorite table-flipping Housewife Teresa Guidice is in need of a money making scheme! Last week it was announced that the Guidice Family is $11 million in debt. But how in the world is that possible? Granted, I am not exactly sure what her hubby Joe (my fave househusband) does—something in construction or development maybe—but Teresa has got a best-selling cookbook, a hit tv show (but she only gets $3,000 an episode, thank you Kate Wynne, Sarah and Vinnie) and god knows what else from Bravo.

But here’s another good question, what exactly does Bravo pay for on the show? My mom and I were watching when Teresa threw her 9 year old a birthday party and Gia got an ATV and then went in a pink limo to a kid’s beauty parlor for makeovers. She kept referencing how much this was costing her without giving a dollar amount…maybe the cost of a Bravo paycheck? My bday parties were never like that, although Lady Di thought that she could trick me into thinking that when I was three and my bday landed on the parish carnival weekend. She took advantage of a dumb 3 year old and told me that everyone there was there for me. Year’s later I find out this blatant lie and it has scarred me for life.

Anyways, this loving couple has managed to get $11 million in debt. Kate’s theory is that it has to do with whatever properties they own and I agree! I can only hope that the Guidice’s find their way out without dropping Housewives because that would be so sad if she’s not on it.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wedding Excitement!

I’m really starting to get into this whole MOH (that’s Maid Of Honor). In fact, I’m considering changing my name to that, so people know I’m serious. Even when we found out that Sarah and Tom were engaged, I knew that this was going to be the social event of 2011. Mainly because I would be in attendance…and the bride and groom, blah blah blah.

So when I got the call to be MOH, I first thanked my campaign manager Lisa, and patted myself on the back for a successful campaign, and then my brain went into a tailspin. First of all, what are my duties? What my dress would look like? But the good news is that Sarah had already figured out a lot before she even asked her wedding party—and then dangled the possibility of MOH in my face for a few weeks—so from there it has been pretty easy.

But, to prove to Sarah that I am taking my status seriously I have signed up for a few wedding sites (I clarified that I was MOH, btws), bought a couple of magazines, browsed some dresses, you know the deal. But man alive there are so many things to browse! I could play all day on, in fact just today looking at party favors took up a chunk of my morning. Don’t even get me started on the magazines! I honestly think one of my new favorite past times is sitting outside working on my tan AND outlining my MOH duties. Really, where’s the lose in that situation?

One of my major duties, that I have yet to fulfill, is put up the website. Correction, complete the website. It has launched, but nothing is really on it, except their picture and a huge hydrangea. I’m working on that slowly but surely. But you should check it out…

Friday, June 4, 2010

What are the chances?

Tomorrow, Lisa and I fly to LA (assuming I can be vertical after Teresa's birthday party tonight). The Bonino's are gathering for Michael's high school graduation from Loyola! In the fall, Michael will carry on the tradition and go to Santa Clara--Bonino's Bronco Blood Runs Deep! BUT, first we must party. I plan on spending the day staked out on the front porch watching across the street for Adrian Grenier. That's right, Vinny Chase's house is directly across the street from Nonni. I actually don't think that either Nonni or Sarah have ever seen Vinny in person, but Nonni does say that he has a lot of cars in front of his house. Well yes, Nonni, if you made what he was making, then yes, you would have a lot of cars and an entourage in front of your house too.

So my mission, which I have put upon myself is to finally see the man and add one more person to my list. Last time it was David Hyde Pierce (in front of Vinny's house actually) and so why stop this momentum?! I'm thinking that I am flirting with a 1 in 50 chance. But as we learned from Dumb and're telling me there's a chance.

I wonder if the curse is finally broken? I suppose only my stake out will tell.

Thursday, June 3, 2010 do I love thee

This place has AMAZING fish tacos. I'm not wild about fish tacos anywhere else...and that includes Wahoo's...but boy oh boy these things are legit. I'm getting hungry just thinking about it!

This small taqueria in RWC is so delish in their other dishes as well! Their shrimp tacos, bomb. Their nachos, to die for. Their chicken tacos, sinfully delicious. Their burrito, heavenly. I have yet to be disappointed in their food. If you are in the area...check this place out. You will not be disappointed!

Will we be the City of Good Living still or the City of Crime?

According to Fergie, if you ain't got no money take your broke ass home, so that's just what San Carlos is doing, well to the Police force at least.

This little city has become incredibly broke after last year's economic slump, so now the city is scrambling. Their most logical choice...outsource the police force. Not the top of my list, but it's either that or close the parks (and as we learned from my new fave show, Parks and Rec, that's never a good idea because you need parks although if Rob Lowe would come to San Carlos, that I am okay with). Of course, I am still a firm believer in my "quarter give back program" but that idea will be shared when I run for City Council.

But what are the complications of outsourcing the police force? Crime? Yeah that's the first thing that I would think of! And what happens to the cops? Do they still get their pensions? I think all those questions are answered in the SF Chronicle article (yeah-ya!) today. As a San Carlosian, I'm not convinced that this is the way to go, but I don't really think there's many options out there : (

Anywho, we made it to the Chron so although SC is as broke as MC Hammer, that's gotta boost moral! Check it out here!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

David and Goliath

This has been a delayed post, sorry about that, but whatevs.

After a lovely weekend in Sin City, we checked out of our sweet hotel room at the Ex...calibur that is, and went to the enormous Las Vegas Airport. We were hoping that we were taking a larger plane than we did when we flew into Vegas but boy were we wrong! This two by two "plane" was so small that it didn't have enough overhead compartment space so we had to drop our luggage at the door so the people could put it beneath. Strike One. After sitting on the runway for a good 1/2 hour, it finally took off.

I know that the flight is super bumpy in Vegas because of the desert wind and heat, but we were hitting some intense turbulence right from the start. The size of the plane did not help matters because we felt every bump possible but we were getting tossed around like nobody's business. We were pretty low to the ground and a woman was crying behind us so we went from just turbulance to freaked out pretty quick. Teresa was squeezing my hand and at one point Kate reached over and grabbed my hand too so we were all convinced it was going down. Finally, the pilot decided to get us out of this airpocket and the turbulance finally calmed down. It was just like when David, a small plane carrying innocent people--well as innocent as people can be after Vegas--and taking on Goliath, the mean, bumpy, desert air. Strike Two US Airways.

We finally stopped shaking just as the plane was beginning it's initial descent (which was essentially a nose dive...Foul Ball). Then I jinxed us...Well, we've made it this far. I should have known better-you don't talk like that when you are in a flying deathtrap! We were just about 10 feet off the ground of SFO...give or take a couple of feet and I was gripping my arm rests bracing myself for the landing (I didn't trust this fool to make a smooth landing after the shit he pulled in air!) and all of the sudden we went up into the air like a cork from the bottle of champagne! My stomach literally flipped as we climbed back into the "friendly" skies. You would expect that the pilot would get on the loudspeaker and tell us what the hell was going on...or at least the flight attendants...but no. We were out of the effin loop for about 5 minutes which was the longest 5 minutes of my life. The guy in front of us was pissed off and said that this was the second time this has happened to him, and so I asked him what the hell was going on and he said that it might be that there was another plane on the runway. Well, turns out that this guy was right so we had to circle SFO again and the pilot finally came on and told us what was going on. Well Strike three and Poor form SFO!

After the loooooongest flight of my life (an hour and a half turned into almost 3) we finally landed and we got down and kissed the floor. Apparently Captain Sully who landed the US Airways plane in the Hudson was NOT our pilot. Next time we are driving an RV to Vegas.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Kudos and Boos---VEGAS Edition!!

Kudos...The Ex...Excalibur that is. When we first walked in we all thought, oh man, what did we get into, but it was a lovely hotel!! We decided to call it the Ex to give it a bit of an edge, but it turns out, it needed NO help! We had a sweet view of a wall though...but, hey, it was cheap!
Boos...Words cannot express how much I hate US Airways...wait for next post.

Kudos...Tryst. This club was sooo much fun. It also could be because we made friends with some locals in line who knew the bouncer and got us in for free. Yes, that really could be it. But they also played legit music and it is a sa-weet set up. The fountain that was outside was beautiful, but we never really got to get that close to it because we were kind of stuck where we were.
Boos...Tao. Overrated. And very confusing with its multiple layers. Although I can't hate on it too much because a quick trip to the bathroom turned into getting into the VIP section and having free bottle service...Grey Goose for JBo and Kate, Captain for T. It's as if they knew.

Kudos...The Ex's Pool. It's not a raging party pool, which was just what we needed. Although they were blasting some sweet tunes it was mellow and they had a slide that Kate and I went on twice!!
Boos...Quarter Slots. I lost 10 dollars in maybe 45 seconds.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Special Kudos shout out!

It's mid week, but I don't care. KUDOS Sandra Bullock! Not only did this strong lady walk away from Jesse "I'm Scum" James but she also has had a kid for the past 3.5 months. So, again KUDOS for getting away from Jesse but also for keeping the kid a secret! Im thinking we have a new No. 1 for E! Most Shocking Hollywood Secrets!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Things I would do if I were a Kennedy

1. Wear only JCrew (only for special occasions would I expand my horizons)
2. Spend Sundays on a Yacht drinking Santana Champ cause it's so crisp
3. Have outstanding Sunday Brunch dates and weekly lunch dates with the ladies at the club.
4. Have more of a Blog following...although I love my following now
5. Finally have a reason to wear a ball gown (and usually wear one two-three times a month)
6. Play tennis every morning with my personal trainer and wear my pearls while training
7. Live on Martha's Vineyard and have a Pottery Barn (and Pottery Barn Kids for the babies) stocked house on the compound
8. Finally have my Range Rover but really only drive it on the it during the week? Hello! I have my personal driver
9. Have perfectly manicured and pedicured toes and have an outstanding appointment every week. Gotta look good in case of the paprazzi stalking the compound.
10. Get to meet any celebrity I want because I would have those connections

One day.


Kudos...HMBizzle (Half Moon Bay) Teresa and I ventured over the hill for some classic beach time with HMB native, Kate. I was thinking it was going to be effin freezing but there was not a cloud in the sky! And i just love that town. It was a great way to spend a Sunday!!
Boos...Rain this's only two days and on Tuesday and Wednesday but booooo

Kudos...Suri Cruise...congrats you are 4 today. Pretty soon your dad is going to start sounding crazy to you. Today you are one day closer to catching up to the rest of the world.
Boos...Americans who did not watch the Olympics. According to Perez, NBC lost over 200 million dollars for this years winter games (even though viewership was up 4 percent). Now although the station could have televised much more than they did...still, where was the American comradery?

Kudos...Tax day is over. Congrats America, you don't have to worry about it till next year...unless you have to pay quarterly like me.
Boos...Charlie Sheen. What is wrong with you? You are out of control!! He was so stable for so long and then Denise left him but he stayed strong. Then he got married again, had twins and went CRAZY! What the hell happened?! Martin, I think it is time for you to step up sir.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Another Hollywood Couple Bites the Dust

It's sad to see that they are over. Today, when I logged on to during a free moment at the office, I spotted that Doug Reinhardt and Paris Hilton are dunzo. Yes, it is heartbreaking to see that the couple of a little over a year go through their ups and downs...I think that he was accused of pulling a Chris Brown at one point...couldn't find their common ground and had to call it quits.

The hotel heiress that rose to fame with her crazy partying and her even more public scandal of getting the 20 minutes in jail met Lauren Conrad's former flame Dougie Reinhardt somewhere in the LA clubs, I'm guessing. I assume that they had friends in common since Dougie was faux-besties with Brody Jenner and Frankie Degallo and of course Paris is besties-enemies- besties with Nicole Richie who dated B. Jenner. They seemed to have a lot in common...spending a lot of time grooming, doing their hair and practicing their Zoolander stare (see this article on and you will see what I am talking about). But sadly the pressure of Hollywood seemed to take too much out of this "I desperately want-to-be celebrity" couple.

Who knows what is going to happen now. I cannot think of Paris Hilton's next flame...I mean where do you go after Dougie...maybe Steven Colletti from Laguna Beach? Who will be Doug's? Maybe he and Stephanie Pratt will work things out. OR maybe they will find a way to work it out...maybe.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Boy, was I wrong!

When I saw the Blind Side, one of the previews was for Avatar. I can specifically remember my thoughts when I was watching this preview. In a nutshell..."This movie will be the BIGGEST bomb and Sigorney Weaver, you should have known better." Boy oh boy was I wrong.

I kept thinking every time I saw an ad, this looks so dumb. Blue creatures fighting these space people and living in floating houses in trees...nice try. Then all of the sudden people were raving about this. I thought, oh America supports American Idol, of course they are going to like this movie. Then, people I trusted kept telling me, "oh it is so good, plot is a little lame but so good." What does that mean? Doesn't the plot drive the story?! How is it good if that is lame? Then it was compared to Pocahantas in the future. Nope, still did not do it for me. Before I knew it it was being nominated for Golden Globes, SAG awards, Oscars? What was going on? I can understand the visual leaps that it has taken but Best Picture?!

When I was watching the award shows, I openly cheered for anything but Avatar and finally I was right!! They didn't win half as many awards as they were hoping for and James got beat out by his ex-wife (who is a fellow San Carlosian!!).

Almost 5 months later, people are still buzzing about it. The DVD is about to drop and I still have not seen it and, you know, I do NOT plan on seeing it. But, apparently it made a lot of money so boy was I wrong.

I do NOT like American Idol

First of all, if you call it A.I. I may throw something at you. I love Ellen Degeneres but the annoying-ness of Ryan Seacrest cancels everything out. In fact he is the reason I don't watch E! News anymore. I did watch it season 1 with Kelly Clarkson and somewhat sporadically the next season with Ryan Hubbard and Clay Aiken. Then, America, I was over it. Sadly, I was the only one because 10 years later it's still here. Paula may be not but it definitely is. My celebrity gossip sites are always a-twitter about the latest singing sensation from American Idol, and I could really care less. It is the same thing over and over again...Randy always wears lots of bling and never says anything productive, Simon is always trying to be a little bitch just to boost ratings, Ryan is just annoying and they always drink from a coke-sponsored cup (we get it, Coca-Cola! You Sponsor this show!!).

But, I was at peace with my dislike until tonight. Their need to extend this for waaaay more than they need. Like tonight...they started at 8 and they are ending at 9:28. First of all, who picks a time like that? and secondly, is it really necessary to drag this out for another 28 minutes? NO, Fox it isn't.

And this isn't because Glee was pushed back a half hour---excuse me 28 minutes.

Monday, April 12, 2010

No Profile this week

Alas, I fail. I cannot think of a good San Carlosian to profile. Partly because I have not put that much thought into it and partly because I am too mad with the check, excuse me, THREE checks that I just wrote to the government. Yes, I believe that people should pay taxes and yes I know that this great country of ours is somewhat broke, but man that took it out of me. And the worst part is they aren't going to come back in a year...they are coming back in 3 months! Dammit.

BUT I can take this opportunity to cheer on Harmony Frozen Yogurt! The tiny shop on Arroyo and Laurel opened its doors just 4-5 years ago and offered us a new kind of FroYo. At first taste, you might think, gross, frozen sour cream, but when you go back for your "Deal" and layer your three favorite toppings (strawberries, gronola and honey are my fave) you realize, oh my god, where has this been all my life?!

All seemed to be well in Harmony's life, some would have called it harmonious until the big ugly Red Mango opened its doors just a block away. The monster chain (from Palo Alto, are we surprised? Really?) tried to take over innocent Harmony and use Laurel Street as its hostage! For about 2 years there was a power struggle on the either supported the little guy and had delish Harmony or you proved you had no soul and enjoyed the monster chain yogurt. Loyalty lines were clearly drawn.

The people of San Carlos (at least the good-hearted ones) prevailed and proved that Harmony was the better fit for the City of Good Living! Just a few weeks ago, Red Mango was forced out and a huge banner was put up in front of it saying...COMING SOON! Harmony Frozen Yogurt! Not only had Harmony eliminated the competition, but it is throwing salt in the wound and moving into its spot!!

David and Goliath anyone??

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Kudos and Boos!

Kudos...GLEE!! The hit returns this week after an awfully long hiatus! This part of the season will bring us baby-gate drama, a Will-Emma romance, and Madonna!! Ahhh I cannot wait! If you haven't been watching Glee, you obviously need to check yourself and get with it!
Boos...Tiger Woods. Now, let's put aside his infidelity and scum-bag nature and focus on this new ad he did with Nike. He's staring the camera down....and that's about it. I know he never said he was an actor but was that really worth the millions of dollars (I am only speculating that, but I assume it was waaaay more than I make) he was paid to simply have a stare and wear two obnoxious Nike "swooshes" (I'm sorry I don't know the plural of Swoosh) and have his father, who apparently didn't believe in fidelity either, talk to him. Was it really necessary to use his voice? I don't think so. Was this ad really necessary? Hell no. If you haven't seen it click here

Kudos...Phil Mikelson! The new proud owner of a hideously green jacket! The Masters were this weekend (unless you lived under a rock) and it proved that there was better weather in Augusta than in "sunny" California. But, Philly pulled into the lead today to put the tiger that is Tiger in his place. I wonder if Elin will congratulate Phil and send him something??
Boos...Suri Cruise drinking from a bottle. She's almost 4 and she's drinking from a bottle. Really TomKat...spend the 2 bucks on a sippy cup! If the kid can wear high-heels, the kid can drink from a sippy cup!

Kudos...Tina Fey. Man alive this woman is funny. Not only is 30 Rock hilarious, but Sarah Palin should consider hiring her for her new network show. Spice up FOXNews with some funny comments rather than the this is so sad that it's funny stuff they are used to.
Boos...I could either shed light again on Tiger or switch over to Heidi Montag for being a robot. This was a draw.

Until next week...

Thursday, April 8, 2010

No Longer an Item

For my profile of a celebrity couple (Thursday's new installment) I think it would be wise to take a look at the former celebrity couple...Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthey.

This week it was reported that the funny "it" couple had amically split...of course who tells that they split pissed off at each other? But what was the reason behind their break up? Was it that Carrey could not take her seriously? Was it that she was mad he wore her swim suit on the beach? Or (and this is my theory) was it that she can't handle being a grandma?

Their romance sprung with Spring of 2006. They seemed pretty steady...He hung out with her boy and she put up with his long locks. I either expected them to pull a Susan Surandon/Tim Roberts and be together forever (or at least close to that) or do what Jay-Z and Beyonce did and keep us guessing...are they married or not? Yet, sadly, almost 4 years later they suddenly announce that their relationship is dunzo.

Oh, did I mention where the break up was announced....Twitter. Downgrade Jim and Jenny. Remember the good old days when public statements were released. We want information, not tweets!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

She's Everywhere

Kate Gossling is bugging me again. And not only for this hideous outfit.

While the "star" of this pitiful lineup on Dancing with the Stars is making headlines because of her extensions (thank god that reverse mullet is out) where are her kids? In Pennsylvania! Today it was released that her Ed Hardy endorsing ex-hubby is suing her over custody...shocker... never thought that would come along? Please. I saw that one coming the day she was announced on the list. As a single mom, doing Dancing was a logical choice. As a mother, maybe not. For a while there, she was out of the spotlight (you remember for those two weeks) and she was with her kids while Jon was loving on fame hungry 20-year olds. But then she just comes back full force and is over everything! I cannot really stipulate over her Dancing performances since I have not watched it, but according to my sources (US and People, of course) she is throwing hissy-fits left and right. I would imagine that she would have been on her best behavior to portray a good public image but wonder if she is a believer that bad press is good press??

But, do we really think that Jon is asking for custody for the right reasons or to merely tell America that he's a good dad? I think not. But what do I know about celebrity shennanigans. I just check everyday and know my celebrity gossip. But, hey I could be wrong!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Peacock Man

No, this is not an overly flamboyant male! The peacock man is one of the City of Good Living's more unusal...but not a total doosey. This man is more often than not walking San Carlos Avenue with a backpack with a bunch of peacock feathers peaking out. He looks like he's about to go hiking, which is kind of funny since it's on the flat part of the city. But no one knows why. Well, maybe his family and friends, but no one I know does!

There are so many questions surrounding this man...What's with the feathers? Are you going hiking with these feathers? What is the purpose of the feathers? Are they the same feathers from the 90's? What does your family say? Is there a peacock in your backpack too?

I think that for the purpose of this blog, the next time I see him I will channel my investigative journalism skills and find out!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

One more thing...

I have blogged a lot today but I almost forgot about this one. This is from 4 years ago, right after Dick Cheney shot his friend...Classic.

Weekly Installments

I feel as if I need to be more diligent about blogging. I look at others and think, Wow they are dedicated!

So, a possibility to rectify this could be making weekly assignments, and here's what I got so far:

Sunday: Kudos and Boos
Monday: San Carlosian Profile
Tuesday: Free Style/my pick
Wednesday: Things that annoy me/make me laugh this week
Thursday: Profile of a Celebrity Couple
Friday: Free Style/My Pick
Saturday: Sweet "As seen on TV" Items

Let's see how this week treats us...


This man makes my life complete. Tom and Sarah introduced us to this wonderful old man last summer when we were in San Clemente. He sings EVERY song you could imagine, has a special Neil Diamond set, and even has his original this one, Love on the Internet. And, every so often, he takes his fifth of Hot Damn and cheers the crowd with a "Hot Damn!" (although I don't like that drink so I rebelled and said Vodka Tonic! (this year it may be Dirty Shirley--my new drink of choice!!) So anyways...Lisa and I had heard all about this song so we knew that the audience is supposed to participate in the chorus, singing and pointing, "Point Point Click Click Point Point Click!" So when this song came on we were so ready and screamed, "POINT POINT..." too bad we were the only people in the place screaming! Everyone was staring at us and the people next to us asked me who originally sang that song!!

I totally think that he should perform at a wedding..... : )

Click here to enjoy his sa-weet jam...
This clip does not even do him justice!!

Kudos and Boos

Kudos...Sarah and Tom...I am just so excited!! I hear the wedding is going to be next summer!!
Boos...this blah Easter weather...If we were in LA (like we usually are) we would be basking in the wonderful LA heat. Not this year though : (

Kudos...Sandra Bullock...according to Perez, People, and US, she was spotted with a moving van outside of her LA home she shared with Jesse "I'm Scum" James. Way to drop that shit Sandra!! You are an Oscar award don't need West Coast Choppers!
Boos...People Magazine. I never thought I would put them in this category but they recently outted Ricky Martin. Usually they are a lot faster than this, but I don't know what they were doing with this story. I guess it was a slow news week so they had to get a story from 10 years ago and recirculate it. Too Slow, People Magazine, too slow!

Kudos...The Hills, season 6. This looks SOOOO good. And what more could you ask for? It's got the plastic robot Heidi Pratt (although she creeps me out), the coke-addict (or is she? I guess we will have to find out) Kristin, the man full of rage (I don't know if he's going to be good TV anymore) oh and the wonderful B. Jenner. This season looks soooo good. Will the Pratts stay married? Is Krisitin stable? Will Audrina ever go back to Justin Bobby? Will Lauren come back? SOO many possibilities! Way to go out with a bang!! Now if only Bruce Jenner will make a special appearance.
Boos...Heidi Montag's plastic surgery. It just creeps me out!

Buona Pasqua!

Happy Easter! Although it is muggy and almost raining up here in San Carlos, I love this holiday! The four Bonino's (I assume Christopher is freezing his butt off over in Vail) went to mass and then enjoyed a lovely brunch (complete with some bomb-diggity mimosas) and soon we are heading to San Jose for Linner (yes's at 2!). Now last year, when we were in LA for Easter, tragedy hit. We were about to kneel and Lisa, Sarah, Tom and I knelt down and then the kneeler jerked down and we were all like, what the hell?! I noticed that my purse was caught underneath the kneeler and thought, Oh crap, my sunglasses!! If only it was my sunglasses!! I almost cried when I noticed that my beloved cell phone (Louise!) was crushed!!! I was devastated and showed it to Lisa, Sarah and Tom and then Tom leaned over and said...At least it will rise again in three days. I looked back and said, too soon, Tom, too soon.

Now, as I mourn the one year anniversary of that tragic-yet freak-accident, there is a beam of light to make this a good weekend....SARAH and TOM are ENGAGED!!!! YAY!! I am not really sure of all the details (and I would have found them out this weekend if we were in LA) but Sarah refuses to call me back, or when I call her, she's got other stuff going inconsiderate!! Jk Jk, hopefully I will hear of the story soon so I can share (to my one loyal reader...Kate!)

SO anyways....I hope your Easter Sunday is wonderful!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

An oldie but a goodie

This just makes me laugh....

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Kudos and Boos!

Kudos....the beautiful weather. Really makes it hard to sit inside and work when the sun was out on Friday! But spring has sprung today so that is always a good thing!
Boos...Jesse James. Poor Sandra Bullock! She was doing so well, and then just a week after getting the Oscar for Best Actress, she gets hit with this bombshell! And check out the homewrecker's photo on choices Jesse James.

Kudos...Christopher left on Tuesday to head East to Vail! He's really excited about this job, but for some reason didn't really think it through with respects to the weather...he is surprised that it is about 30 degrees. That sucks since we are in shorts over here.
Boos...Jason Wahler. Not only for being a sleeze to former gal pal, Lauren LC Conrad, but he was just arrested for the 6th time in just a few years. Not a good streak to keep going. Lock it up Jason!

Kudos...Parks and Rec. This is one of my new faves...and this week they had Andy Samberg on so it was even better!
Boos...Vanessa Hudgens. Just go away.