Alllllllrighty Kate, here's some kudos and boos...
Kudos...SF GIANTS! I just can't get over this. It's too exciting. Even though it felt like it happened ages ago! But, who can't love the team of misfits making it all the way to the top! I tell you who can't, everyone who was at the parade this week in SF! I wasn't there (sad face), but saw it on TV and seeing a sea of orange can't help but make you cheer for them!
Boos...the people in the rest of the country who think we too excited. That's right I'm talking to you, ABC news reporter for This Week with Chistiane Amanpour who said that the Giants winning wasn't historic. He must be an A's fan.
Kudos...Nick Lachey and Vanessa Minillo! They got engaged this past week! And their birthdays (on the same day) are this week! Good for you, Nick and Vanessa! I've been routing for you these past 4 years! everyone who made last week the longest week ever. You people know who you are!
Kudos...the election is over!! Yeah ya! America has finally voted so that means we can now finally listen to the radio in peace and watch tv without hearing all of the candidates bad mouth each other. Thank god.
Boos...Keith Oberlmann. He donated some cash money to a few election campaigns and now he's suspended from NBC indefinitely without pay. You really only have yourself (and maybe your lawyer) to blame for not reading your contract more carefully.
Ok, here's to a quick week!
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