Dear Kate (my only reader),
Yesterday we had a heart to heart about someone who we used to support with her husband and her happy life. I won't dwell on the sour parts or how she broke a certain someone's heart and stomped on the broken pieces. Alas, that was in 2005--actually Thanksgiving 2005-- and so we thought she had taken the public beating she so well deserved and it was now time to move on. All because of one US magazine article about how she dropped her former best friend for her new boy toy.
As much as it pains me to say that I forgive Jessica for making poor decisions, the time has come to begin the healing process. Nick had a sa-weet album, happy and found love again with Vanessa, and clearly won over the public. Jessica is working the circuit with the professional football players and has her clothing line. Joe Simpson is out of our faces. It's a win all around. Now, if there's any scandal with them that gets dragged through the media, there's no choice with who's team to be on, but the time has come to forgive.
I don't think any one can really forget the Behind the Music: Nick Lachey that came a short time after their divorce was finalized. And I think that showed the world that he really just wanted to be married but she had different priorities. (That part where he talks about the first time he held his niece and how everything else just seems insignificant. Profound. Moving. Touching.)
Perhaps they just married too young. Perhaps her father just played too much a roll in her life. Perhaps Nick just deserved better (duh). Whatever the reason for that break up heard round the world, they have both moved on. Their marriage may be one of those small Wikipedia entries 45 years down the road that no one remembers. They may one day become friends. No one really knows what's in store for one of Reality TV's first couple. All I know is that today, I am ready to forgive.
Unless she pulls any shit.
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