Tuesday, April 6, 2010

She's Everywhere

Kate Gossling is bugging me again. And not only for this hideous outfit.

While the "star" of this pitiful lineup on Dancing with the Stars is making headlines because of her extensions (thank god that reverse mullet is out) where are her kids? In Pennsylvania! Today it was released that her Ed Hardy endorsing ex-hubby is suing her over custody...shocker... never thought that would come along? Please. I saw that one coming the day she was announced on the list. As a single mom, doing Dancing was a logical choice. As a mother, maybe not. For a while there, she was out of the spotlight (you remember for those two weeks) and she was with her kids while Jon was loving on fame hungry 20-year olds. But then she just comes back full force and is over everything! I cannot really stipulate over her Dancing performances since I have not watched it, but according to my sources (US and People, of course) she is throwing hissy-fits left and right. I would imagine that she would have been on her best behavior to portray a good public image but wonder if she is a believer that bad press is good press??

But, do we really think that Jon is asking for custody for the right reasons or to merely tell America that he's a good dad? I think not. But what do I know about celebrity shennanigans. I just check people.com everyday and know my celebrity gossip. But, hey I could be wrong!

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