Kudos...GLEE!! The hit returns this week after an awfully long hiatus! This part of the season will bring us baby-gate drama, a Will-Emma romance, and Madonna!! Ahhh I cannot wait! If you haven't been watching Glee, you obviously need to check yourself and get with it!
Boos...Tiger Woods. Now, let's put aside his infidelity and scum-bag nature and focus on this new ad he did with Nike. He's staring the camera down....and that's about it. I know he never said he was an actor but was that really worth the millions of dollars (I am only speculating that, but I assume it was waaaay more than I make) he was paid to simply have a stare and wear two obnoxious Nike "swooshes" (I'm sorry I don't know the plural of Swoosh) and have his father, who apparently didn't believe in fidelity either, talk to him. Was it really necessary to use his voice? I don't think so. Was this ad really necessary? Hell no. If you haven't seen it click here
Kudos...Phil Mikelson! The new proud owner of a hideously green jacket! The Masters were this weekend (unless you lived under a rock) and it proved that there was better weather in Augusta than in "sunny" California. But, Philly pulled into the lead today to put the tiger that is Tiger in his place. I wonder if Elin will congratulate Phil and send him something??
Boos...Suri Cruise drinking from a bottle. She's almost 4 and she's drinking from a bottle. Really TomKat...spend the 2 bucks on a sippy cup! If the kid can wear high-heels, the kid can drink from a sippy cup!
Kudos...Tina Fey. Man alive this woman is funny. Not only is 30 Rock hilarious, but Sarah Palin should consider hiring her for her new network show. Spice up FOXNews with some funny comments rather than the this is so sad that it's funny stuff they are used to.
Boos...I could either shed light again on Tiger or switch over to Heidi Montag for being a robot. This was a draw.
Until next week...
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