Friday, July 30, 2010

I Don't Like Cats

Like I said, I can't concentrate because it's Friday and almost my vacation time (that causes time to literally stop). So I thought I would blog about something that happened to me almost 2 weeks ago!

It was bright and early as I was getting out of my car and was getting my purse, coffee, etc. when I see this tabby cat walking (actually more like bee-lineing it) towards me. I didn't really think much of it because I don't like cats and give off that vibe to them so they stay away but then as I was standing trying to close my door, I guess I spent a little too much time finding my ground or something but this random cat jumped in--even though I was yelling, NO GET OUT GET OUT at it. But no, the tabby cat just walked around the front seat. It's a good thing that I didn't have any food or trash lying around otherwise it would have made itself comfy.

So, I was trying to think on my feet and then it came to me. When Lady Di spots a foe (aka cat) in our yard she makes this high pitched hissing noise. I did just that, but the cat flipped out! It all of the sudden was leaping from the front seat to the back seat to the trunk in a blink (or half a blink) of the eye. Shit now I got this cat flipping out in my trunk and I keep making this hissing noise, how am I gonna get it out!? So then I think, I can't open my trunk (the window comes up and the bottom portion swings open) otherwise this beast will claw my face off.

"Think on your toes, think on your toes and maybe stop hissing because it obviously doesn't like it." So it came to me and I opened the door behind the driver and then it finally jumped out. I kind of moved around a bit in a circle to make sure that it wasn't following me or anything but it just parked it underneath my car.

What a demented cat. A dog wouldn't have done that.

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