Sunday, April 4, 2010


This man makes my life complete. Tom and Sarah introduced us to this wonderful old man last summer when we were in San Clemente. He sings EVERY song you could imagine, has a special Neil Diamond set, and even has his original this one, Love on the Internet. And, every so often, he takes his fifth of Hot Damn and cheers the crowd with a "Hot Damn!" (although I don't like that drink so I rebelled and said Vodka Tonic! (this year it may be Dirty Shirley--my new drink of choice!!) So anyways...Lisa and I had heard all about this song so we knew that the audience is supposed to participate in the chorus, singing and pointing, "Point Point Click Click Point Point Click!" So when this song came on we were so ready and screamed, "POINT POINT..." too bad we were the only people in the place screaming! Everyone was staring at us and the people next to us asked me who originally sang that song!!

I totally think that he should perform at a wedding..... : )

Click here to enjoy his sa-weet jam...
This clip does not even do him justice!!

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