Thursday, April 15, 2010

Another Hollywood Couple Bites the Dust

It's sad to see that they are over. Today, when I logged on to during a free moment at the office, I spotted that Doug Reinhardt and Paris Hilton are dunzo. Yes, it is heartbreaking to see that the couple of a little over a year go through their ups and downs...I think that he was accused of pulling a Chris Brown at one point...couldn't find their common ground and had to call it quits.

The hotel heiress that rose to fame with her crazy partying and her even more public scandal of getting the 20 minutes in jail met Lauren Conrad's former flame Dougie Reinhardt somewhere in the LA clubs, I'm guessing. I assume that they had friends in common since Dougie was faux-besties with Brody Jenner and Frankie Degallo and of course Paris is besties-enemies- besties with Nicole Richie who dated B. Jenner. They seemed to have a lot in common...spending a lot of time grooming, doing their hair and practicing their Zoolander stare (see this article on and you will see what I am talking about). But sadly the pressure of Hollywood seemed to take too much out of this "I desperately want-to-be celebrity" couple.

Who knows what is going to happen now. I cannot think of Paris Hilton's next flame...I mean where do you go after Dougie...maybe Steven Colletti from Laguna Beach? Who will be Doug's? Maybe he and Stephanie Pratt will work things out. OR maybe they will find a way to work it out...maybe.

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