Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Special Kudos shout out!

It's mid week, but I don't care. KUDOS Sandra Bullock! Not only did this strong lady walk away from Jesse "I'm Scum" James but she also has had a kid for the past 3.5 months. So, again KUDOS for getting away from Jesse but also for keeping the kid a secret! Im thinking we have a new No. 1 for E! Most Shocking Hollywood Secrets!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Things I would do if I were a Kennedy

1. Wear only JCrew (only for special occasions would I expand my horizons)
2. Spend Sundays on a Yacht drinking Santana Champ cause it's so crisp
3. Have outstanding Sunday Brunch dates and weekly lunch dates with the ladies at the club.
4. Have more of a Blog following...although I love my following now
5. Finally have a reason to wear a ball gown (and usually wear one two-three times a month)
6. Play tennis every morning with my personal trainer and wear my pearls while training
7. Live on Martha's Vineyard and have a Pottery Barn (and Pottery Barn Kids for the babies) stocked house on the compound
8. Finally have my Range Rover but really only drive it on the it during the week? Hello! I have my personal driver
9. Have perfectly manicured and pedicured toes and have an outstanding appointment every week. Gotta look good in case of the paprazzi stalking the compound.
10. Get to meet any celebrity I want because I would have those connections

One day.


Kudos...HMBizzle (Half Moon Bay) Teresa and I ventured over the hill for some classic beach time with HMB native, Kate. I was thinking it was going to be effin freezing but there was not a cloud in the sky! And i just love that town. It was a great way to spend a Sunday!!
Boos...Rain this's only two days and on Tuesday and Wednesday but booooo

Kudos...Suri Cruise...congrats you are 4 today. Pretty soon your dad is going to start sounding crazy to you. Today you are one day closer to catching up to the rest of the world.
Boos...Americans who did not watch the Olympics. According to Perez, NBC lost over 200 million dollars for this years winter games (even though viewership was up 4 percent). Now although the station could have televised much more than they did...still, where was the American comradery?

Kudos...Tax day is over. Congrats America, you don't have to worry about it till next year...unless you have to pay quarterly like me.
Boos...Charlie Sheen. What is wrong with you? You are out of control!! He was so stable for so long and then Denise left him but he stayed strong. Then he got married again, had twins and went CRAZY! What the hell happened?! Martin, I think it is time for you to step up sir.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Another Hollywood Couple Bites the Dust

It's sad to see that they are over. Today, when I logged on to during a free moment at the office, I spotted that Doug Reinhardt and Paris Hilton are dunzo. Yes, it is heartbreaking to see that the couple of a little over a year go through their ups and downs...I think that he was accused of pulling a Chris Brown at one point...couldn't find their common ground and had to call it quits.

The hotel heiress that rose to fame with her crazy partying and her even more public scandal of getting the 20 minutes in jail met Lauren Conrad's former flame Dougie Reinhardt somewhere in the LA clubs, I'm guessing. I assume that they had friends in common since Dougie was faux-besties with Brody Jenner and Frankie Degallo and of course Paris is besties-enemies- besties with Nicole Richie who dated B. Jenner. They seemed to have a lot in common...spending a lot of time grooming, doing their hair and practicing their Zoolander stare (see this article on and you will see what I am talking about). But sadly the pressure of Hollywood seemed to take too much out of this "I desperately want-to-be celebrity" couple.

Who knows what is going to happen now. I cannot think of Paris Hilton's next flame...I mean where do you go after Dougie...maybe Steven Colletti from Laguna Beach? Who will be Doug's? Maybe he and Stephanie Pratt will work things out. OR maybe they will find a way to work it out...maybe.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Boy, was I wrong!

When I saw the Blind Side, one of the previews was for Avatar. I can specifically remember my thoughts when I was watching this preview. In a nutshell..."This movie will be the BIGGEST bomb and Sigorney Weaver, you should have known better." Boy oh boy was I wrong.

I kept thinking every time I saw an ad, this looks so dumb. Blue creatures fighting these space people and living in floating houses in trees...nice try. Then all of the sudden people were raving about this. I thought, oh America supports American Idol, of course they are going to like this movie. Then, people I trusted kept telling me, "oh it is so good, plot is a little lame but so good." What does that mean? Doesn't the plot drive the story?! How is it good if that is lame? Then it was compared to Pocahantas in the future. Nope, still did not do it for me. Before I knew it it was being nominated for Golden Globes, SAG awards, Oscars? What was going on? I can understand the visual leaps that it has taken but Best Picture?!

When I was watching the award shows, I openly cheered for anything but Avatar and finally I was right!! They didn't win half as many awards as they were hoping for and James got beat out by his ex-wife (who is a fellow San Carlosian!!).

Almost 5 months later, people are still buzzing about it. The DVD is about to drop and I still have not seen it and, you know, I do NOT plan on seeing it. But, apparently it made a lot of money so boy was I wrong.

I do NOT like American Idol

First of all, if you call it A.I. I may throw something at you. I love Ellen Degeneres but the annoying-ness of Ryan Seacrest cancels everything out. In fact he is the reason I don't watch E! News anymore. I did watch it season 1 with Kelly Clarkson and somewhat sporadically the next season with Ryan Hubbard and Clay Aiken. Then, America, I was over it. Sadly, I was the only one because 10 years later it's still here. Paula may be not but it definitely is. My celebrity gossip sites are always a-twitter about the latest singing sensation from American Idol, and I could really care less. It is the same thing over and over again...Randy always wears lots of bling and never says anything productive, Simon is always trying to be a little bitch just to boost ratings, Ryan is just annoying and they always drink from a coke-sponsored cup (we get it, Coca-Cola! You Sponsor this show!!).

But, I was at peace with my dislike until tonight. Their need to extend this for waaaay more than they need. Like tonight...they started at 8 and they are ending at 9:28. First of all, who picks a time like that? and secondly, is it really necessary to drag this out for another 28 minutes? NO, Fox it isn't.

And this isn't because Glee was pushed back a half hour---excuse me 28 minutes.

Monday, April 12, 2010

No Profile this week

Alas, I fail. I cannot think of a good San Carlosian to profile. Partly because I have not put that much thought into it and partly because I am too mad with the check, excuse me, THREE checks that I just wrote to the government. Yes, I believe that people should pay taxes and yes I know that this great country of ours is somewhat broke, but man that took it out of me. And the worst part is they aren't going to come back in a year...they are coming back in 3 months! Dammit.

BUT I can take this opportunity to cheer on Harmony Frozen Yogurt! The tiny shop on Arroyo and Laurel opened its doors just 4-5 years ago and offered us a new kind of FroYo. At first taste, you might think, gross, frozen sour cream, but when you go back for your "Deal" and layer your three favorite toppings (strawberries, gronola and honey are my fave) you realize, oh my god, where has this been all my life?!

All seemed to be well in Harmony's life, some would have called it harmonious until the big ugly Red Mango opened its doors just a block away. The monster chain (from Palo Alto, are we surprised? Really?) tried to take over innocent Harmony and use Laurel Street as its hostage! For about 2 years there was a power struggle on the either supported the little guy and had delish Harmony or you proved you had no soul and enjoyed the monster chain yogurt. Loyalty lines were clearly drawn.

The people of San Carlos (at least the good-hearted ones) prevailed and proved that Harmony was the better fit for the City of Good Living! Just a few weeks ago, Red Mango was forced out and a huge banner was put up in front of it saying...COMING SOON! Harmony Frozen Yogurt! Not only had Harmony eliminated the competition, but it is throwing salt in the wound and moving into its spot!!

David and Goliath anyone??

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Kudos and Boos!

Kudos...GLEE!! The hit returns this week after an awfully long hiatus! This part of the season will bring us baby-gate drama, a Will-Emma romance, and Madonna!! Ahhh I cannot wait! If you haven't been watching Glee, you obviously need to check yourself and get with it!
Boos...Tiger Woods. Now, let's put aside his infidelity and scum-bag nature and focus on this new ad he did with Nike. He's staring the camera down....and that's about it. I know he never said he was an actor but was that really worth the millions of dollars (I am only speculating that, but I assume it was waaaay more than I make) he was paid to simply have a stare and wear two obnoxious Nike "swooshes" (I'm sorry I don't know the plural of Swoosh) and have his father, who apparently didn't believe in fidelity either, talk to him. Was it really necessary to use his voice? I don't think so. Was this ad really necessary? Hell no. If you haven't seen it click here

Kudos...Phil Mikelson! The new proud owner of a hideously green jacket! The Masters were this weekend (unless you lived under a rock) and it proved that there was better weather in Augusta than in "sunny" California. But, Philly pulled into the lead today to put the tiger that is Tiger in his place. I wonder if Elin will congratulate Phil and send him something??
Boos...Suri Cruise drinking from a bottle. She's almost 4 and she's drinking from a bottle. Really TomKat...spend the 2 bucks on a sippy cup! If the kid can wear high-heels, the kid can drink from a sippy cup!

Kudos...Tina Fey. Man alive this woman is funny. Not only is 30 Rock hilarious, but Sarah Palin should consider hiring her for her new network show. Spice up FOXNews with some funny comments rather than the this is so sad that it's funny stuff they are used to.
Boos...I could either shed light again on Tiger or switch over to Heidi Montag for being a robot. This was a draw.

Until next week...

Thursday, April 8, 2010

No Longer an Item

For my profile of a celebrity couple (Thursday's new installment) I think it would be wise to take a look at the former celebrity couple...Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthey.

This week it was reported that the funny "it" couple had amically split...of course who tells that they split pissed off at each other? But what was the reason behind their break up? Was it that Carrey could not take her seriously? Was it that she was mad he wore her swim suit on the beach? Or (and this is my theory) was it that she can't handle being a grandma?

Their romance sprung with Spring of 2006. They seemed pretty steady...He hung out with her boy and she put up with his long locks. I either expected them to pull a Susan Surandon/Tim Roberts and be together forever (or at least close to that) or do what Jay-Z and Beyonce did and keep us guessing...are they married or not? Yet, sadly, almost 4 years later they suddenly announce that their relationship is dunzo.

Oh, did I mention where the break up was announced....Twitter. Downgrade Jim and Jenny. Remember the good old days when public statements were released. We want information, not tweets!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

She's Everywhere

Kate Gossling is bugging me again. And not only for this hideous outfit.

While the "star" of this pitiful lineup on Dancing with the Stars is making headlines because of her extensions (thank god that reverse mullet is out) where are her kids? In Pennsylvania! Today it was released that her Ed Hardy endorsing ex-hubby is suing her over custody...shocker... never thought that would come along? Please. I saw that one coming the day she was announced on the list. As a single mom, doing Dancing was a logical choice. As a mother, maybe not. For a while there, she was out of the spotlight (you remember for those two weeks) and she was with her kids while Jon was loving on fame hungry 20-year olds. But then she just comes back full force and is over everything! I cannot really stipulate over her Dancing performances since I have not watched it, but according to my sources (US and People, of course) she is throwing hissy-fits left and right. I would imagine that she would have been on her best behavior to portray a good public image but wonder if she is a believer that bad press is good press??

But, do we really think that Jon is asking for custody for the right reasons or to merely tell America that he's a good dad? I think not. But what do I know about celebrity shennanigans. I just check everyday and know my celebrity gossip. But, hey I could be wrong!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Peacock Man

No, this is not an overly flamboyant male! The peacock man is one of the City of Good Living's more unusal...but not a total doosey. This man is more often than not walking San Carlos Avenue with a backpack with a bunch of peacock feathers peaking out. He looks like he's about to go hiking, which is kind of funny since it's on the flat part of the city. But no one knows why. Well, maybe his family and friends, but no one I know does!

There are so many questions surrounding this man...What's with the feathers? Are you going hiking with these feathers? What is the purpose of the feathers? Are they the same feathers from the 90's? What does your family say? Is there a peacock in your backpack too?

I think that for the purpose of this blog, the next time I see him I will channel my investigative journalism skills and find out!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

One more thing...

I have blogged a lot today but I almost forgot about this one. This is from 4 years ago, right after Dick Cheney shot his friend...Classic.

Weekly Installments

I feel as if I need to be more diligent about blogging. I look at others and think, Wow they are dedicated!

So, a possibility to rectify this could be making weekly assignments, and here's what I got so far:

Sunday: Kudos and Boos
Monday: San Carlosian Profile
Tuesday: Free Style/my pick
Wednesday: Things that annoy me/make me laugh this week
Thursday: Profile of a Celebrity Couple
Friday: Free Style/My Pick
Saturday: Sweet "As seen on TV" Items

Let's see how this week treats us...


This man makes my life complete. Tom and Sarah introduced us to this wonderful old man last summer when we were in San Clemente. He sings EVERY song you could imagine, has a special Neil Diamond set, and even has his original this one, Love on the Internet. And, every so often, he takes his fifth of Hot Damn and cheers the crowd with a "Hot Damn!" (although I don't like that drink so I rebelled and said Vodka Tonic! (this year it may be Dirty Shirley--my new drink of choice!!) So anyways...Lisa and I had heard all about this song so we knew that the audience is supposed to participate in the chorus, singing and pointing, "Point Point Click Click Point Point Click!" So when this song came on we were so ready and screamed, "POINT POINT..." too bad we were the only people in the place screaming! Everyone was staring at us and the people next to us asked me who originally sang that song!!

I totally think that he should perform at a wedding..... : )

Click here to enjoy his sa-weet jam...
This clip does not even do him justice!!

Kudos and Boos

Kudos...Sarah and Tom...I am just so excited!! I hear the wedding is going to be next summer!!
Boos...this blah Easter weather...If we were in LA (like we usually are) we would be basking in the wonderful LA heat. Not this year though : (

Kudos...Sandra Bullock...according to Perez, People, and US, she was spotted with a moving van outside of her LA home she shared with Jesse "I'm Scum" James. Way to drop that shit Sandra!! You are an Oscar award don't need West Coast Choppers!
Boos...People Magazine. I never thought I would put them in this category but they recently outted Ricky Martin. Usually they are a lot faster than this, but I don't know what they were doing with this story. I guess it was a slow news week so they had to get a story from 10 years ago and recirculate it. Too Slow, People Magazine, too slow!

Kudos...The Hills, season 6. This looks SOOOO good. And what more could you ask for? It's got the plastic robot Heidi Pratt (although she creeps me out), the coke-addict (or is she? I guess we will have to find out) Kristin, the man full of rage (I don't know if he's going to be good TV anymore) oh and the wonderful B. Jenner. This season looks soooo good. Will the Pratts stay married? Is Krisitin stable? Will Audrina ever go back to Justin Bobby? Will Lauren come back? SOO many possibilities! Way to go out with a bang!! Now if only Bruce Jenner will make a special appearance.
Boos...Heidi Montag's plastic surgery. It just creeps me out!

Buona Pasqua!

Happy Easter! Although it is muggy and almost raining up here in San Carlos, I love this holiday! The four Bonino's (I assume Christopher is freezing his butt off over in Vail) went to mass and then enjoyed a lovely brunch (complete with some bomb-diggity mimosas) and soon we are heading to San Jose for Linner (yes's at 2!). Now last year, when we were in LA for Easter, tragedy hit. We were about to kneel and Lisa, Sarah, Tom and I knelt down and then the kneeler jerked down and we were all like, what the hell?! I noticed that my purse was caught underneath the kneeler and thought, Oh crap, my sunglasses!! If only it was my sunglasses!! I almost cried when I noticed that my beloved cell phone (Louise!) was crushed!!! I was devastated and showed it to Lisa, Sarah and Tom and then Tom leaned over and said...At least it will rise again in three days. I looked back and said, too soon, Tom, too soon.

Now, as I mourn the one year anniversary of that tragic-yet freak-accident, there is a beam of light to make this a good weekend....SARAH and TOM are ENGAGED!!!! YAY!! I am not really sure of all the details (and I would have found them out this weekend if we were in LA) but Sarah refuses to call me back, or when I call her, she's got other stuff going inconsiderate!! Jk Jk, hopefully I will hear of the story soon so I can share (to my one loyal reader...Kate!)

SO anyways....I hope your Easter Sunday is wonderful!!