Thursday, July 14, 2011

Bucket Lists are so 2010

On my painfully slow commute to work this morning (yes painfully slow, seeing as I have been working from home the past two days and will again tomorrow), Sarah and Vinnie were chatting about how Oprah is spending her free time. Well, looks like she’s crossing things off her bucket list, which makes sense seeing as she’s retired, but rather than calling it a bucket list she's got a “Vision Board.” Of course she’s not settling for the lame bucket list, when you're Oprah, you market the hell out of something we've always known, but put your own crafty spin on it and create the next big thing.

But here’s my issue: first, are people really writing things down on this bucket list? See, I’ve always imagined people saying, “this is something I’ve always wanted to do and it's on my [imaginary] bucket list” rather than making an actual list of things to do before you die…that sounds a tad morbid to me. I have an imaginary bucket list so I would hope that I am following the trend, otherwise I should invest in some legit paper material (to survive the next 80 years--that's right 80).

Then there's the whole what does a vision board make? We need some specifics Lady O. How big does the board have to be, what material, do you need to include pictures or is it a board of lists that you eventually cross off? Do they have to be legit visions or can they be pipe dreams? Will you give us a starter pack? America needs answers so we can all get going on our back-to-school vision boards!

It would be pretty awesome to have a vision board all ready to go asap so I can be seen as a trend-setter for this gig. In fact that can be my first vision for my board, being on the beginning end of one of Oprah's trends--seeing as I was too young to join the book club and then when I could have joined, it was just too trendy for my taste. This has potential. I can definitely see it catching like wildfire just in time for the holiday season. Good timing Oprah, but really I would expect nothing less.

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