Here we go for Kudos and Boos...
Kudos to Melissa McCarthy! We saw Bridesmaids this weekend as a Team Wedding bonding experience and this woman stole the effing show. She was too funny and every time she came on screen I burst into tears from laughter. Her character is the bride-to-be's future sister in law, so she wasn't really with the in crowd but holy hell she was funny. She deserves a Golden Globe, an Oscar, her own tv show (oh wait, she's got one)! I see an awesome future in comedy!
Boos to Jesse James. Why is this fool still talking. Last week he was bad mouthing Sandy and this week, well, he's still bad mouthing Sandy. Why are people giving him interviews that's the real question! Media: Stop pursuing Jesse James so we don't have to hear anymore!
Kudos to Sarah and Vinnie's Secret Show! The ultimate solution to 6 hours in a car (or 5.5 hours if Julie and Lisa are driving). We were suuuper behind on Secret Shows due to Italia so we started on Friday with April 18th's podcast and listening to nothing else, granted there were a couple of missed days on S&V's part, but as we pulled into the driveway tonight, we got to the end of Wednesday's show. They made the drive entertaining as our only scenery was cotton fields and stinky cows. No joke on the stinky stinky cows.
Boos to the movie ticket prices in Los Angeles. You could have knocked me over with a feather when I said, "Two please for the 7:25 show of Bridesmaids" and was told $25. Naturally my response was along the lines of "come again" And I thought that RWC theater prices were spensy. Really, how much more can they go up? Sadly, one day tickets will be double what they are now.
Kudos to Ashton Kutcher for landing the vacant Two and a Half Men spot! I would assume he must be pretty bored since I can really only think of No Strings Attached as his latest flick. But you know Demi's got a nice money cushin and he does have those Nikon Cool Pix commercials that are taking him all the way to the bank. I'm not one for the show, but let's hope he does well, a la Spin City!
Boos to my lack of celeb sightings. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. In their defense, it was pretty chilly in Hollywood this weekend so maybe they're not used to the colder temps. I would say next time, celebrities, but I feel like my 3-celebrity-sightings-in-one-weekend might have used up all my good luck. Well, I suppose I will never know until next time, which crazy enough will be for the WEDDING!
Look at me posting when I should be! Don't get used to it. :o)
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