Monday, May 16, 2011

May Goals

We were in LA for approximately 39.5 hours but boy did we make it count! Not only did we help Claire celebrate her big weekend and see Bridesmaids, but we were there to help with the big wedding! We graciously voiced our opinions, whether it was wanted or not ;-) and provided moral support since we’re currently sitting at 47 days! And boy is that time going to fly. Our schedules are pretty jam packed between now and then, and this is only the tip of the iceburg for the Finers and Tom! In two weeks, Sarah comes north to visit while Tom is in Vegas for his bachelor party, two weeks after that, the ladies head to Vegas for the Bachelorette Party and then 2.5 weeks after that Lady Di and I pack up Lexi and head South for the wedding! Luckily, I have nothing to do between now and then! JK there’s PLENTY to be done on my part. Actually almost too much to be done!

I've got me some “May Goals” to take care of. Hairstyle, check. Work on some Vegas items, check. Get wardrobe in order for the weekend, semi check. Shoes, well I thought I had some shoes already in the bag, but when wearing them for a brief time this weekend, I'm convinced that my feet will hate me by the end of mass. So looks like to DSW I go. Lose 5 lbs? Meh, but we're only half way through the month so it can happen.
Actually, as we bid adieu to everyone, the harsh reality hit us that the wedding is less than 7 weeks away and Vegas less than 4 so we’re kicking this workout into high gear! Yes, I know I’ve said it many a-times throughout this engagement but this is getting really close. Holy Hell. Target Zones: Arms and Tummy. Looks like I’m headed to Spin tonight followed by some weights. Bring. It. On.

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