Profound encounters and random tangents. But probably more random tangents.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
End of the May Goals
I tried something new this past month. I set small attainable goals and did my best to reach by the end of the month. For example, I wanted to buy shoes for the wedding by the end of the month, I wanted to get my hair highlighted and get back into studying Italian. What not flashy enough? Please, I got to ease into this.
So today, being June 1st, it's only appropriate to see where we landed from the May goal list and set June's. Let's see, I bought three pairs of shoes for the wedding (so I suppose I went above and beyond with that goal, some might call me an overachiever). I got my hair done on Friday (just in the nick of time) and as for Italiano, "Parlo cosi cosi, ma Giugno studio italiano piu" (not the most thrilling sentence, if you catch my drift). It looks like I got a solid 2 out of 3 and yes, they were the easy tasks. But you can't always win them all, if you know what I'm saying so job well done I say!
Now on to June's goals:
1. Get all my MOH ducks in a row (eek the toast!)
2. Blog more (that is an outstanding goal) but more like 3 times a week at least and add pictures
3. Make a list and start summer "funtivities"
4. Start listening to books on tape on my commute (well more like the afternoon commute, cause I got Sarah and Vinnie in the am :)
And since today is June 1st, I want to give a shout out to TERESA MARIE NIELSEN!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY and I hope you enjoyed your birthday!! It's crazy to think we're getting so old, but you're a superstar and I hope this year is simply wonderful xoxo
And we're on to June!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Since when am I the adult?
Last night, I attended the Glee concert with the neighbor kids. Just kidding, that would have sounded a little better than saying I went to the Glee concert with my mom and aunt. Which I did, but even though I was the “kid” I still felt like I was the adult chaperone to these ladies.They were so excited, they sang along, danced a bit, and took lots of photos that aren’t going to come out, sorry mom.
Just watching how excited they were was purely comical. It really reminded me of my first real concert. Well I suppose my first concert was the Beach Boys, but I had no idea what was going on and we were watching music instead of watching a movie or eating or something. When I was in the sixth grade, maybe 7th or 8th, good ol’ VK took me to the fantastic, the amazing, the talented, NSYNC. That’s right, be jealous. AND it was on a weeknight? How much cooler can you get than that? It was right when they were the talk of the town, they were ruling the airwaves and filling our heads with their catch tunes. I remember singing my heart out (as I often do) and took a complete throw-away camera’s worth of blurry photos with tiny blue blobs flying across (oops forgot about the flash).
Since then I’ve been to a few concerts since then like Tim McGraw, Kenny Chesney, U2—arguably the most awesome ever—but this was my first in a while. As we were waiting for the dang show to start, and although there was just oodles of excitement radiating from Lady Di and Cathy, the whole HP Pavillion was busting at the seams waiting for their fave stars to pop on stage and serenade them. And once they did finally decide to pop on stage, it was a pretty darn good concert. They had a lot of energy, danced a lot, and sounded awesome! Well at least I think they did, I couldn’t really hear them over the two older ladies singing next to me. ;o) And it was super cool to see my high school compadre, Darren, on stage with all these people cheering for him. Definitely cool.
Another concert on another school night. Yeah ya! And ironically, the concert was the same night as their season finale. So I have no idea what happened with Nationals. Poor planning, poor planning.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Hello faithful reader Kate,
It’s Thursday. Finally. This has been quite the week and you should know! But, I can just barely see the light at the end of the work week tunnel. Maybe I’ve had a bit of adult-itis this week too. This is one of my favorite times of years, grad parties, it’s just starting to get hot, I’m optimistic about my tanning. Then you hear about the twerps who are done with finals, are the ones graduating, they’ve got nothing to do between now and the fall. I can’t help but be jealous. I wish that the working world still had the three fantastic months of summer vacation so we could soaking up every once of Vitamin D we can, and pair that with the benefits that come with being over 21 and that’s pretty close to perfection.
My summer between school and the harsh working world was, in a word? AWESOME. I was working “part time” at Kids on Campus, so I had some cash flow (we even got a raise for summer working, yes please!), I went to Vegas, San Clemente (for two weeks, thank you very much) and the idea of working was simply an idea, not a threat. This is really the only time when this recession really worked in my favor. I was happy, tan and relaxed.
Why can’t we have that now?! How much happier would we be if we could all work part time and get the rest of the time to vacation, hang out, lay low, and enjoy the beautiful weather? I bet people would be MUCH more productive in the work place if they had the opportunity to gallivant off every weekend on some adventure or harebrained scheme with their family or friends. I know I would be!
But this summer should be pretty solid, basically for one event that we’re anxiously awaiting the arrival of! I know Nothing will ever meet the summer after Santa Clara, but I’m willing to try. But I can’t do that until the damn season decides to get here.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Attempt Numero Dos
So, I bet you can guess, but I was at work a little longer than anticipated and by the time I got home, I didn’t have time to change and go to Spin. And then the whole, “I’m not really into going tonight” weighed heavily on my decision. Epic fail. I know. And I call myself MOH.
So today to make up for it, I’m attempting Urban Rebounding again for the second time. Last week we went and I had NO idea what to expect. Usually, before I go into a new gym class, I try and watch from the other side of the glass (either on the treadmill or elliptical) and judge if I would be able to stand 60 minutes of that ridiculousness. Usually, my answer is no and I had seen a few instances walking past a class with this he-man teaching and yelling and thinking that looks insanely hard but Lisa practically fell into this class and her legs are double the length of mine. She decided to try it once, thinking the instructor was our home girl Diana who we’ve taken kickboxing from but with Lisa’s luck it was some other chick. Lisa stayed for the kickboxing class right after, with said instructor, where I met up with her and the new instructor seemed super nice and she talked about how it was great for the core so I thought why the hell not?
Well, last week was quite comical. Lisa’s trampoline, excuse me, urban rebounder, was broken initially, yet she still picked it and continued to break it further towards the beginning of the class. Smooth moves right there. Then we had a DIFFERENT instructor than I originally thought and this fool had so much energy that no one else was allowed to have any. He just sucked it right out of the room. So while he’s running around, jumping up and down, having a blast, I’m still trying to figure out how to “run” on this ridiculously small trampoline. It was definitely a LOT harder than it looks from the safety of the other side of the glass wall. After Lisa and I exchanged quite a few “Screw you” looks, a couple “Holy crap I almost fell on my face” eyebrow raises and one “this wedding better be worth it” glare, we moved away from the cardio and into abs.
In my opinion, that’s the best part because while spend about 40-45 minutes looking like a fool at a kid’s birthday party, the last 20-15 minutes are mostly abs and stretching. Really, my biggest qualm with other classes is that there’s not a lot of time to stretch or do abs at the end of the class, or they tell you to stretch on your own. Yeah right, once I walk out of the gym the likelihood of that drops dramatically like an F-bomb out of a New Jersey Housewife’s mouth.
When I finally caught my breath at the end of the class and saw the golden gates of the front door beaming and I thought, ok, a few of those looks were uncalled for and a majority of those moves were made for the Arnold Swarzeneggers of the world (post coming about that bomb drop), but man I earned my dinner!
The true test comes with the second class, which we get to have tonight at 5:30. I’m also attempting to stay for Kickboxing directly after since I missed last night, but we’ll see how Hell Hour One goes. If I don’t post tomorrow, it’s possible that I died.
Monday, May 16, 2011
May Goals
We were in LA for approximately 39.5 hours but boy did we make it count! Not only did we help Claire celebrate her big weekend and see Bridesmaids, but we were there to help with the big wedding! We graciously voiced our opinions, whether it was wanted or not ;-) and provided moral support since we’re currently sitting at 47 days! And boy is that time going to fly. Our schedules are pretty jam packed between now and then, and this is only the tip of the iceburg for the Finers and Tom! In two weeks, Sarah comes north to visit while Tom is in Vegas for his bachelor party, two weeks after that, the ladies head to Vegas for the Bachelorette Party and then 2.5 weeks after that Lady Di and I pack up Lexi and head South for the wedding! Luckily, I have nothing to do between now and then! JK there’s PLENTY to be done on my part. Actually almost too much to be done!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Sunday Sunday Sunday
Kudos to Melissa McCarthy! We saw Bridesmaids this weekend as a Team Wedding bonding experience and this woman stole the effing show. She was too funny and every time she came on screen I burst into tears from laughter. Her character is the bride-to-be's future sister in law, so she wasn't really with the in crowd but holy hell she was funny. She deserves a Golden Globe, an Oscar, her own tv show (oh wait, she's got one)! I see an awesome future in comedy!
Boos to Jesse James. Why is this fool still talking. Last week he was bad mouthing Sandy and this week, well, he's still bad mouthing Sandy. Why are people giving him interviews that's the real question! Media: Stop pursuing Jesse James so we don't have to hear anymore!
Kudos to Sarah and Vinnie's Secret Show! The ultimate solution to 6 hours in a car (or 5.5 hours if Julie and Lisa are driving). We were suuuper behind on Secret Shows due to Italia so we started on Friday with April 18th's podcast and listening to nothing else, granted there were a couple of missed days on S&V's part, but as we pulled into the driveway tonight, we got to the end of Wednesday's show. They made the drive entertaining as our only scenery was cotton fields and stinky cows. No joke on the stinky stinky cows.
Boos to the movie ticket prices in Los Angeles. You could have knocked me over with a feather when I said, "Two please for the 7:25 show of Bridesmaids" and was told $25. Naturally my response was along the lines of "come again" And I thought that RWC theater prices were spensy. Really, how much more can they go up? Sadly, one day tickets will be double what they are now.
Kudos to Ashton Kutcher for landing the vacant Two and a Half Men spot! I would assume he must be pretty bored since I can really only think of No Strings Attached as his latest flick. But you know Demi's got a nice money cushin and he does have those Nikon Cool Pix commercials that are taking him all the way to the bank. I'm not one for the show, but let's hope he does well, a la Spin City!
Boos to my lack of celeb sightings. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. In their defense, it was pretty chilly in Hollywood this weekend so maybe they're not used to the colder temps. I would say next time, celebrities, but I feel like my 3-celebrity-sightings-in-one-weekend might have used up all my good luck. Well, I suppose I will never know until next time, which crazy enough will be for the WEDDING!
Look at me posting when I should be! Don't get used to it. :o)
Friday, May 13, 2011
It's Friday Friday Gonna Get Down on Friday!
BUT, since it's Friday, let's explore the world of celebrity couples and it's kind of hard to not talk about this major celebrity bombshell. Arnie and Maria. That's right I went there. Here are my thoughts on this issue. Three years ago, I would have been absolutely SHOCKED. And although when I heard the news I was shocked (note not in all caps) but I had to look at the precedents and situation. It seems like some long-lasting political marriages are hitting the dust, and who really knows why? For example, Al and Tipper (which really threw us for a loop). They were together for almost 40 years (maybe more) and just recently separated. Arnie and Maria were married for 25 years, have 3 or 4 kids and 9 years of dating. But I think that they definitely did not jump into this lightly. 34 years together grants some serious deep thinking. So then you have to look at what's happened in Arnie and Maria's life in the past few years. She's had a rough couple of years (both her father died and uncle died) and Arnold just his approvla rating and not to mention lost his job. I hear he's contemplating another Terminator movie? That's something to get used to. They are learning to cope and process these huge events in their lives and seeing as he's no longer based in SacTown, it looks like they're trying to learn to cope together maybe. Remember these are just my interpretations.
Here's what I'm thinking is going to happen. They will be estranged for a while, no more than two years. But I think that they will find a way to make it work and get back together. I think that they've grown up together and they've started to drift apart but eventually they will find their way back.
Remember people, you heard it hear first :o)
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Kudos and Boos!
It took me long enough. But, we just finished a delish brunch and as I am letting the food digest in my tummy watching some HP, I thought, dang, I should blog. And here we gooooo....
Kudos...Lady Di! It's Mother's Day so it's only appropriate! But thanks for being the best mom!! Speaking for the three Bonino children (seeing as I am the only one with a blog) we love you!
Boos...This mother's day weather. LAME. Of course it's beautiful during the week, but once it's the weekend, we get chilly and foggy weather. Come on Mother Nature, throw us a bone here!
Kudos...Lisa and Julie making some bomb meals today! That's right Lisa and I put on brunch (a classic Sunday treat AND we made dinner (much easier and not as time consuming) which was super yummy. We even cleaned the kitchen and did all the dishes so Lady Di didn't have to lift a finger, just lend her suggestions on our cooking techniques. Always one to help, Mom.
Boos...Why isn't there a "Children's Day" full of presents, brunch and doting on? Mom gets one, Dad gets one. People say, "every day is kids day" but I disagree. If elected as your City Council Rep, that will be on my long "to-do" list! Win the younger votes.
It was a short one today but I'll get back into the routine this week!