Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Gifts are already selling out!

Although Black Friday is just two days away, some must have gifts are already out of stock! According to a daily email I get, BoSacks, it tells me that the Barnes and Nobel Nook is already a gonner. The $260 e-reader was already sold out at all stores and it looks like there wont be any more in stock until January. Now mind you, it only came out last month. However, a similar product from Sony, which sells for a whopping $400 is also going to sell out.

"Supply is short because the companies rushed the announcement of these two products, and the reality is they're not ready for holiday primetime," said Sarah Rotman Epps of Forrester Research.

Well, if you really wanted one of these digital book readers, I hope you got one. Otherwise, I suppose you are stuck with an old school "book" until January!

Click here for the link if you want to read the whole article!

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