Monday, January 30, 2012

Don't be talking smack about the Muppets

So here's something rediculous and proof that some people just have way too much free time on their hands. Yesterday, the SF Chronicle's website had an article on their website that chronicled a "feud" with the Muppets and Fox News.

About a month ago the "news" station had a seven minute long segment saying that the Muppets were anti-oil because the vilian in the latest (and greatest) movie was a dude called "Tex Richman" who was trying to take down the Muppet Studios cause it was sitting on oil. FOX was bitching that this integral storyline was the liberal media's attempt to brainwash kids and make them think that only successful rich people are vilians. WHAT? This surely isn't the first time that this has happened! Hello any show that chronicles a rich person's problems and proves that some people aren't all sunshine and flowers - ahem Dallas, and they even shot people! And hello Tex Richman wanted to take down the Muppets not just take down their studio. We couldn't help but NOT root against him.

I can understand that they may be upset with Tex Richman's only musical number - definitely the not up to par with the others in the mocie, including the Oscar nominated one - and they want to let them know that that's not ok, I mean really, we could have gone without it. But I highly HIGHLY doubt that Jason Segal sat down one day and decided that his best way to brainwash every child in America is to use the beloved Muppets and create a movie with a oil tycoon as a villian. Yes, it's not just a happy go lucky movie about a group of has-been Muppets and their adventure to get back together. No no. It's a political statement. Psh, yeah right, I think whoever reported that seven minute segment had a little too much time on their hands. OR a vandetta against the Muppets. Either way, it's no good.

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