Thursday, January 19, 2012


Today is Kate's birthday, (yes the Kate that I used to write, "Dear Kate" to on the blog, which come to think of it, don't be surprised if that makes a comeback). But since she's turning the big 2-5 today, and she's a loyal blog follower, I had to give her a birthday blog shout out, with one of our first photos from my first "real" trip to Chico back in 2005. For anyone who's keeping track, that was the trip when Carly threw a camera at me and I caught it with my eye. It lead to the fracturing of my zygomatic arch (yes that is a real thing and it hurt, thank you very much). But that's another story. But we were such babies!!

And this next one was from this fall, I believe at Julia and Jeremy's engagement party but about 6 years later.

She may not like these photos being posted, but I don't care. :o) Happy Birthday KATE!!!

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