As I am sure you've noticed, there has been a lull in my blog postings. I was out of town and then I was just too tired. And rather than try and play massive catch up and bore you to death with all details pertaining to Bonino craziness, I thought I'd just hit some highlights...
1. The Bonino's cruised through Christmas! This was the first time we've ever been with the extended Bonino's for Christmas day AND not to mention were on a BOAT! At first, it didn't really feel like Christmas, seeing as we were in Mexico where the sun was shining, and usually when we're in San Carlos, I don't believe it's Christmas until we hit Christmas Eve mass at 4:00. However, this year we were at midnight mass, on a BOAT. The whole experience was definitely different, and I have never had such an action packed Christmas...breakfast at 8:30 (although Mickey slacked on his wakeup calls that morning so I wasn't exactly my most delightful before breakfast, thanks for nothing, Mouse!), Gingerbread house making at 10, Movie Line Trivia at 11, War Horse at noon (which was when my Bloody Mary from breakfast hit me so I took a little snoozy-doozy) then we had to pack before dinner, and then before we knew it, the day was done! I'll tell you one thing, no matter where you are, Christmas always sails by (no pun intended).
2. Treat Yo'Self 2011. What started out as referencing a hilarious episode of Parks and Rec, spawned into a daily quoting session and recurring theme throughout the trip, most notably, we took it upon ourselves to eat everything in plain sight. Not usually one to grab that creme brule when you're already stuffed the the gills? Treat Yo'Self. Not sure if you should have that pre-dinner snack? Treat Yo'Self. Not typically a fan of three course meals? Get over it and treat yo'self. Surely, you catch my drift. And of course that didn't just end on the boat, we kept that theme going all week and decided to carry it out through the end of 2011. Which was a perfect segway for Deprive Yo'Self 2012 but I'll save that for another blog post.
3. Call me an LA native. After the cruise, we decided to stay down in LA for a couple of extra days for a few reasons, we had an Italian relative in town from the motherland and we still hadn't had enough of each other. So we got to play tourist and get to do all of the fun things that we don't usually have time for when we're just down there for a weekend. For example, we finally watched the wedding video (I've been dying to see it since July 3), go to our fave places to eat (in keeping with the Treat Yo'Self theme), do some more shopping and even got to spend part of Maria's birthday with her where we went to this delicious place in La Cresenta and indulged in Apple Oat Cakes. Perhaps the most delicious things on the planet. Lisa was finally able to get to and from the freeway without asking which lane to be in!
4. Celebrity Sightings. Notice the plural on that? That's right, between Lady Di, Lisa and I we spotted three, count them three, celebrities. On Tuesday, as Lady Di was with "Fearless Leader" Maria, Annie and Sylvia (the Italian relative) and were in Venice Beach and decided to stop in at a bakery and spotted none other than...Lindsay Lohan. Sadly I cannot claim this sighting, so moving on...THEN, the next day, we were walking up Melrose and stopped in at Urban Outfitters and Lisa recognized the dad on Wizards of Waverly Place, I stared him down to which he probably thought I was some crazy beezy, but when I was skeptical, Lisa confrimed it with his IMDB photo. Point Lisa! And finally, we were leaving the movies on Thursday night in the heart of Hollywood and as we were in the car, Tom ever so nonchalantly was able to spot Dominic Monahan, the guy from Lost and Lord of the Rings. Also, Nonni's neighbor although strange that we didn't see him in his natural habitat. But, who cares, 2 celebs...Yeah ya!
5. NYE...Who knew we were trendy? I didn't. Last year we went up to the city and did the party at SF City Hall, which was fun, but this year we wanted to do something a little low key so we thought, what about the Saddle Rack that's out in Fremont? So we got two hotel rooms at the lovely Hilton Newark/Fremont but earlier in the day, we found out that the Saddle Rack was SOLD OUT. What? How can that be? Then, when we were checking in, we found out the hotel was booked solid! You could have knocked me over with a feather. But the night was super fun, we got there at 9 so at 10:30 we thought, how can it not be past midnight yet? But, we rang in 2012 and were ready to peace out at 12:15, so it was the perfect amount of time. A solid way to ring in the new year!
So that's essentially it in a nutshell. And now on to 2012....
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