Sunday, October 16, 2011

What to do, what to do...

Wednesday night, I come home from work and when I walked in the house, I was surprised to see my mom reading the newspaper and Lisa reading a book. Now, when your family works like clockwork something like this can be jarring. For example when I get home, Lady Di is almost always watching a cooking show sitting on the couch and Lisa is almost always upstairs on her computer (if she’s home). I had no choice but to be thrown off when I walked in and they were doing something so un-electronic. Well our TV, phone and internet all went out, so essentially we went Amish.

At first, I though, ok, no big deal. Then I was thinking about what I could do since the cable was out and a couple of times, I thought, ugh, fine I’ll watch something online. Nope, can’t do that since the internet is out. But then why is our power on? That’s because it’s just our internet, cable and phone that’s out. This was a conversation that I had with myself a few times that night. Not sure why it was so hard for me to figure it out, and I definitely had some issues remembering it.

I’ll also be the first to admit that we went through a range of emotions. We went from annoyance that it was out, to confusion when we were trying to figure what we could do, to shocked to the 12 hour window that AT&T gave us to come fix it, and then to pissed off when we realized that we were missing Modern Family. Actually I was also annoyed the next morning when I couldn’t watch Good Morning America while I was eating breakfast (since that’s about all the news I can handle).

But thank goodness AT&T came and fixed it Thursday so we didn’t have to continue our Amish-kick. And having 24 hours off from TV, Internet & phone was different but I won’t tell you that it was life changing because how different can it be with just 24 hours so it was more of a cleanse! But Im not hoping to go through another one any time soon. I need my internet...oh hell, and my TV too :o)

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