Wednesday, April 6, 2011

New Thing to Try...

Dear Kate, I meant to post this yesterday but I have fallen victim to a cold :( So without further ado... I always think of Tuesday as the end of the beginning of the week. It’s when you (or at least I) are still annoyed that you have so many work days between you and the weekend but by end of the day, you can just barely see the weekend on the hazy horizon. You still have time to accomplish things before timing gets super tight. Going along with that idea, I have decided that for Tuesday’s topic on the blog,l will write about a new goal I have ( for myself that week, something new to try (or have already tried) and fill you in on it. Well first fill you in on the last week and then tell you what I hope to do this next week but seeing as this is the first one, we can't do that. This is my attempt to have a "Julie and Julia” moment although without the cooking (or will it?) but I find it fitting because that movie is my name so why wouldn’t I attempt to manipulate it? So this week is kind of hectic seeing as I am still finding my bearings at a new job and getting ready to go on Marko’s 60th pilgrimage to the motherland (my new title for the trip to Italy) next Tuesday. And seeing as I am getting a little anxious about the flight (probably because I have not been on a flight that has lasted more than an hour lately) so I thought this week I would try some yoga/breathing exercises to help me find my chi and ease my anxiety. My background with breathing exercises? Well I’ve tried it, but then find myself distracted or asleep. A catch 22 you might say, one hand get some unexpected z's but on the other hand not really the point of the experience. I have already googled some exercises online and just picked the first one on the list (yeah ya Google ad words!) so that looks like a winner. Just a few thoughts on the website I chose, they seem like some no-nonsense breathers because the page is plain white with maroon type. They probably were to centered from all their breathing exercises that they did not want to add too much flash and pizazz to the page to distract potential readers. So they give me some options on a couple of breathing exercises so I'm going to go with the Complete Breath Exercise and keep doing that for 5 minutes. Depending on how that one goes, I may also attempt the Belly Breath Exercise. Let’s see if it increases my energy and decreases my tension. Stay tuned I guess!

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