Sunday, April 10, 2011

Kudos and Boos

Dear Kate, Finally back on schedule, so here's this week's installment of Kudos and Boos... Kudos...Sancho's fish tacos. Can't really explain how delicious these tacos are but they have definitely set the bar so high that other fish tacos can't compare. Is it the chipotle sauce? Is it the white fish (Some places use salmon--gross)? Or is it the tortilla? I don't know but the combination is AWESOME. And they are so summery to me. So another reason to love it. Boos...the calorie intake of the fish tacos. Why are the best things in life off the charts when it comes to calories? But oh well, I will survive because these taco's are so worth it. Kudos...Plantaines. What looks like a banana that is suuuper ripe, is seriously delicious if they are cooked right. How would one cook a plaintaine? Not really sure, but boy oh boy are they worth it. And maybe add some to a Sancho's Fish Taco? Well that's hard to find something better than that out there. Boos... to the LA Dodger fan PUNKS. This is to not all Dodger fans, just the one who beat the crap out of Bryan Stow, father of two, a couple of weeks ago when he went to the Giants-Dodger game in LA. Let's hope that Bryan recovers and that they catch the punks who did it! Kudos...It's Marko's birthday this week!! The big 6-0 and how does he want to spend it? Well in Italy of course. He and Lady di leave tomorrow am, Lisa and I follow in on Tuesday as do Uncle Gary, Auntie Gina and Nonni and Christopher comes in on the 20th! We start off in Rome, Lisa and I head to Austria, Nonni is sent to the mothership (Chiavari) and then the rest head to the Amafi Coast! We all meet up with Nonni for the last week or so and stuff our faces at the family restaurant. Ministrone and Farinata? Si por favore! technology. Why haven't we developed the kind of technology where we can simply blink and we are at our destination of choice? Rather, we need to sit on a plane for hours and hours. I get so antsy! Oh well, something we all have to do so I gots to get over it I suppose!

Still Playing Catch Up...So Here's the Reader's Digest Version

Dear Kate,

Definitely didn't want to fall behind again on this blog of mine but what can I say. It looks like I am having a case of writer's block so I'll do a quick flyover for Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Thursday's topic that I have come up with, well I like the idea, just not enough to make it usual Thursday gig if you know what I mean. There's not a lot to it, just me telling you what....the song of the day is. I know, those dot dot dots are really a lead up to something super awesome and then it's kind of a let down. But I am willing to take suggestions from my loyal reader (notice the singularity on that one
. And, due to my writer's block, I can't think of a song of the day for today so let's skip it and we can just spend the next two weeks thinking about it.

So a quick look to to Friday. Now, let's shed a little light on the newest celebrity marriage, Reese and Jim. I am ALL about this new marriage. He seems to be a down-to-earth which seems her style (cause we talk so often you know) and he seems to be a family man which works out well since she's got two kids who look EXACTLY like her. She always has a smile on her face so people shows us and they just seem like they are on the same level. I can see them having 1-2 more kids within the next 2 years.

And Saturday...let's talk about the legitiment-ness of the California tourism commercials. They had a pretty solid one a couple of years ago, I believe the tag line was "Welcome Home" and now they have a new one that's equally awesome. It has a mixture of celebs and normal people (or maybe they all are celebs, and I just can't recognize them (it's possible) but it highlights all of the awesome parts of CA and why anyone would want to live here. AND it has Betty White. Reason enough to come to CA right there. Let's hope that this commercial brings in some hefty tourism bucks so that we can get outta debt.

Told you I had to catch up next time they will be more indepth as they should be!

Getting up to date...

Dear Kate,

I've fallen off the wagon. But I had everything written, just forgot to post, so this is my attempt to catch up and introduce my Wednesday installment AND to do my Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday let's go back in time... I’d like to introduce you to my new Wednesday installment, Why I love Bravo.

Ah how I love Bravo, let me count the ways…OK challenge accepted. This channel is awesome. From it’s Housewife franchise that I just can’t seem to get enough of to their cleverness in the sneakiest of places, Bravo rocks. There was a time where I was anti-reality TV but Bravo moves past that and really gets down to the issues. Whether it’s how chefs can’t hold their tempers to a hidden drinking problem with a Bev Hills housewife to just why Bethenny has issues around her bday. No PSA stone goes unturned.

So what better way to spend mid week than to explore why Bravo is the way it is. The reasons are in no particular order, adhear to any particular format, require nothing, just me ranting, which you should know by now is just what I do.

So let’s see reason number 1. This one’s easy, it really highlights their clever side and if you blink you could miss it. Each Bravo show has three (possibly four, I think typically three though) adjectives if you will that are in the logo lock up. They all relate to the show’s theme, but sometimes they are just too clever that you can’t help but applaud their advertising department. For example, Pregnant in Heels, their latest hit I am sure, is stork, glam, bump. Bethenny is urban, social, chic. I can't remember Bev Hill's three, but their last one was glitter which was perfect for that ridiculously awesome show.

Every time I see it, for any show, I am always think damn that's clever and then I think damn I love Bravo.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

New Thing to Try...

Dear Kate, I meant to post this yesterday but I have fallen victim to a cold :( So without further ado... I always think of Tuesday as the end of the beginning of the week. It’s when you (or at least I) are still annoyed that you have so many work days between you and the weekend but by end of the day, you can just barely see the weekend on the hazy horizon. You still have time to accomplish things before timing gets super tight. Going along with that idea, I have decided that for Tuesday’s topic on the blog,l will write about a new goal I have ( for myself that week, something new to try (or have already tried) and fill you in on it. Well first fill you in on the last week and then tell you what I hope to do this next week but seeing as this is the first one, we can't do that. This is my attempt to have a "Julie and Julia” moment although without the cooking (or will it?) but I find it fitting because that movie is my name so why wouldn’t I attempt to manipulate it? So this week is kind of hectic seeing as I am still finding my bearings at a new job and getting ready to go on Marko’s 60th pilgrimage to the motherland (my new title for the trip to Italy) next Tuesday. And seeing as I am getting a little anxious about the flight (probably because I have not been on a flight that has lasted more than an hour lately) so I thought this week I would try some yoga/breathing exercises to help me find my chi and ease my anxiety. My background with breathing exercises? Well I’ve tried it, but then find myself distracted or asleep. A catch 22 you might say, one hand get some unexpected z's but on the other hand not really the point of the experience. I have already googled some exercises online and just picked the first one on the list (yeah ya Google ad words!) so that looks like a winner. Just a few thoughts on the website I chose, they seem like some no-nonsense breathers because the page is plain white with maroon type. They probably were to centered from all their breathing exercises that they did not want to add too much flash and pizazz to the page to distract potential readers. So they give me some options on a couple of breathing exercises so I'm going to go with the Complete Breath Exercise and keep doing that for 5 minutes. Depending on how that one goes, I may also attempt the Belly Breath Exercise. Let’s see if it increases my energy and decreases my tension. Stay tuned I guess!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Here we go Monday!

Dear Kate,

We are setting a record here, but I have to keep introducing my daily topics so we will see how long this lasts. Yesterday was an oldie but a goodie (even though there was very little out there to applaud or boo) ans usually Mondays are big days in celebrity gossip bc the sites are finally updated (they slack on the weekends) with some good info and some people go all out on the weekends and have a lot to say come Monday am. So I thought a good topic would be “Shut it…Name that Celeb” For example, Shut it Rob Pattinson! Which brings me to why he needs to shut it...

Last week, photos were leaked to the celeb sites of the latest Twilight movie’s wedding scene. That’s right, it’s not for the real-life actors who get hitched, it’s a shot in the movie that’s based on a book, that has an incredible following among tweens and young adults and he's mad. In fact, he took to Twitter to tweet just how mad he is. Looks like these photos have ruined the movie. Really? There are a few people who haven’t read the books, present company included yet I have no interest in reading them, but is it really ruining the movie? No. I am sure that people see that coming, those who read them or just innocent bystandards who try to shop at Nordstroms and I would have to assume that that is just the tip of the iceburg when it comes to a plot point. And must I point out that for the Sex and the City movie a few years back, photos were all over for the wedding of Carrie and Big. And *Spoiler Alert* things were not as they seemed. So really when you think about it, because he’s throwing a fit about the pics being leaked he’s the one ruining the story. HA! Take that Rob. But who knows, maybe I am just annoyed with the Twilight franchise so I take it out on the actors. I don’t think so though. On a side note, I have a VERY hard time spelling Twilight, always want to drop another g in there. Dammit Stephanie Mayer.

And one more thing, what’s the dealio with your super-secret relationship with Kristin? Is it really that big of a deal that you keep it on the DL? What does it matter? It’s been like two years, move on with it! sorry, forgetting my own theme, Shut It!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Kudos and Boos!

Dear Kate,

Here we go with this week's and April's first pass at Kudos and Boos. With no further ado (although there aren't a lot so mi dispiace)...

Kudos to Reese Witherspoon for her ultra-not-so-secret-wedding! Although photos will be released to first thing tomorrow morning, no blogger, tabloid or random guest who sold the photos for a pretty penny leaked the pics! There hasn't been this much hype over a photo release since the Jolie-Pitt twins photo debut. I wonder if Reese will donate the cash money to a greater cause.
Boos to Charlie Sheen's "Violent Torpedo of Truth" Did we really not see this failing? Too bad there's a full tour ahead and looks like there are PLENTY of tix on StubHub, craigslist, you name it. I wonder how many people were going to show up to this thing since the scalpers aren't getting their return on these tickets. Not to mention how Sheen will survive this wreckage. Maybe he will sneak back into the safety of Sober Valley Lodge with his goddesses.

Kudos to Spring! It's about time you showed up! Although you really didn't bring it yesterday but today I got to soak up some rays and that was just wonderful. Now let's just put summer on the fast track so that this can be a typical weekend occurrence. Move over winter and crappy weather, let's get sunshine!
Boos to a lack of celeb gossip, it's been a slow week. Ergo only two kudos and boos.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Saturday's Topic!

Dear Kate,

Whoa, two days in a row, that must be some kind of a record. But allow me to introduce you to the new Saturday topic...Let's talk about...fill in the blank. This is where my random thoughts really take shape and thrive. This week's topic: Mommy Cards.

So this week as I was listening to Pandora at work they had an ad come on for and they had a promo for 25% off or something like that for a bunch of business cards, networking cards, mommy cards and more! Hold up, what is a mommy card? So I googled it and found that this is the LATEST with moms. They put their info on these cards that you can apparently order from VistaPrint or other similar sites or you know make your own and then hand them out at the park when you're there with your kids.

Is this really necessary or is this a housewife's way of feeling corporate? I'm not sure because I am not a mom and I still have my old business cards from my last job. But this really got me thinking, what benefits does this mommy card present to the average mom? Some people say that it is just easier to hand someone a card with all your info on it rather than having to write it out. Normally, I would think that would take about 20 seconds, 40 if you have a kid fussing around. So is it really that much faster?

In my opinion, it's silly and maybe someone can explain to me the thoughts behind it. So I guess to each her own!

Friday, April 1, 2011

First Friday Installment!

Dear Kate,

Introducing the new Friday installment of the blog, Celebrity Couples. Every Friday (or at least when I remember) I will shed light on a real, fictional, or “gee-I-hope-they-would-get-married” couple and my prediction for their star-studded future. Essentially I am Miss Cleo for celeb relationships—I’m expecting a TV deal from Bravo any day now.

So let’s kick start things off with the buzz around a TV couple possibly turning into a real life romance: Courtney Cox and her bf from Cougar Town. Sorry, had to look up his name, Josh Hopkins.

I find this potential relationship disturbing for two reasons. 1. She’s been preaching that she wants to work on things with estranged hubby David Arquette (which also raises the question, could he be considered the 80’s Paris Hilton? But alas, I digress). And 2. There was some chatter not too long ago that Joshua was having dinner with Jen Aniston, which in Hollywood terms means that they are picking out a 3 bdrm flat in NYC. I was rooting for them, I mean why not, she’s definitely gotten the fuzzy end of the lollipop in her love life and let’s not even go into her John Mayer phase, and this Josh fellow seemed more her style. Not insanely well known, obviously, Angelina won’t be starring in any movies with him prob (doubt that Brad would let that happen), he has a steady job and is adorable. Then BAM months later we see them frolicking on the beach with Coco in the Carribe. The world is now wondering if Jen got ousted by her bestie and if Courtney and David are a thing of the past.

So here’s what I think is happening: Josh has had a crush on Court for the past two years but she was married, so then he started chatting with Jen. When he heard about the separation, he didn’t want act too fast cause that might scare her off, so he played Jen a little longer. Now, months later and still no signs of reconciliation btwn the coquettes so he makes his move and sends Jen back into Single Town. Although maybe she should move to Cougar Town come to think of it.

I watch a lot of TV and that’s usually how these things go so let’s just hope that I’m wrong so that Courtney and David get back together and Jen will find her match.