Sunday, January 30, 2011

Kudos and Boos

Dear Kate,

Looks like I'm on time!! Yeah ya! So without further ado...Kudos and Boos!

Kudos to all of the SAG Award winners tonight! Although most of the speeches were quite la-hame, everyone who won was just so excited! Also, they kept that show under 2 hours. That is a feat in award shows! So let's see, fave star? I think Tina Fey looked absolutely beautiful! Annnd star who probably could have hired a better stylist? Angie Harmon. Man that was quite a lot of feathers. Oh and Wynona. That wasn't her best look either.
Boos to this super quick weekend! It seems like it was just Friday at 530?! Now it's already Sunday night? LAME.

Kudos and also Boos to Charlie Sheen. While I applaud the fact that you are finally admitted into rehab, it took you long enough to get there!! This was quite a big week for the CBS star. Thursday he was admitted into the hospital for stomach pains--which turns out to be an ulcer which sent Hollywood abuzz! Is it really just an ulcer? Is there more going on? What was the hooker there again? That story was not even cold when it was released that he had entered rehab. Pretty poor timing seeing as his show was supposed to return from hiatus on Monday, but it's definitely needed. Especially for his family. But Kate you said it best, move over Lilo! Charlie's the train-wreck of 2011!

Kudos to VK! Today I went to VK's graduation party from San Jose State! She graduated in December with her degree in psychology. It was so cute, she made a speech, calling out everyone who was there and how they were a part of her life. So cute. I am so proud of her!
Boos to Beverly Hills Reunion, Part 1. As "dramatic" and cracked out as the season was, this reunion episode was not even close. It was like they had to get all of the boring parts out of their systems before they moved on to the good stuff. And I've said it a million times, but I'll say it again. I don't like Taylor. She was really pissing me off in this reunion show, and so was Kyle. I hope that this week's conclusion is better and they get to the good stuff! Like what happened with Lisa and Cedric? Will this bullshit between Camille and Kyle ever be done? What is this mysterious "drinking problem" that Kim has? Ok Bravo, give us the good stuff.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Kudos and Boos

Dear Kate,

So much for being prompt, but here are this week's kudos and boos....

Kudos to Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban for having a kid secretly! Although it wasn't the best kept child birth secret (that one goes to Sandra Bullock 2010) but mum was the word--although it really wasn't--at last week's Golden Globes! They talked to all of the reporter's non-nonchalantly never mentioning that they have a newborn THEN maybe 18 hours later release a statement! That was something even the Enquirer didn't even see coming.
Boos to Taylor and Kyle from Beverly Hills Housewives. Bleh. I don't like these ladies. Well, to be fair, I never liked Taylor, and I was warming up to Kyle, then she goes from normal to crazy in about 1.5 seconds. That could be some sort of a record.

Kudos to Parks and Recreation. Their long over-due return back to the Thursday night line up was just perfect! I was a little worried that my hopes for an awesome return would be a little too high, but it was so funny. I think it could possibly be one of the best shows on TV. Really only to be edged out by that wonderful Modern Fam. The character who really brings it...Andy Dwyer portrayed by Chris Pratt. He's so awesome. If you aren't watching it, you should be. That's an order.
Boos to Oprah's uuber top secret family secret. Friday she announced that she was going to reveal something MAJOR on Monday's show. Now, not that I watch Oprah--I think I am one of 10 people who is not crazy about her--but I found it a little anti-climactic. I won't spoil it, but US Weekly has it up so you can check it out there.

Kudos to this awesome weather in mid-January. Well, I should be more specific. To this awesome weather that California is having in mid-January. The rest of you fools in the other parts of the country are experiencing what they call "winter."
Boos to nothing really. I'm out of boos, which I guess is a good thing.

Ok, let's hope this week is quick and painless!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Delayed Golden Globes

Dear Kate,

I consider the Golden Globes one of the best award shows. It's the most fun because it combines both the telly and big screen and not to mention, the stars are just so boozy! This year, I did my best to see as many of the nominated flicks and shows as possible (mostly in the week leading up to the awards!). Of course, there were still that passed by but some I just didn't want to see.

Sadly, I was not able to watch the three hour show live--the fam was in town so we were chatting about this that and the wedding--but last night, Lady Di and I decided to finally watch it because everyone kept telling us that Ricky Gervais was either downright funny or outright mean! We had the benefit of TiVo so it dropped the show from 3 hours to about 2, thank god. It was quite a luxury to fast-forward through the boring speeches and the mini-series or TV movies and of course the commercials. But, I decided that Ricky did an awesome job--usually I don't find the hosts that funny since they just read the teleprompter jokes with no emotion, but he was so funny. He's the entertainment, so he entertained the audience. Chillax Hollywood, if you're offended, here's what you can do to prevent it next time: Stop doing stupid stuff.

Here are some observations about this year's award show:
1. Steve Carrell and Tina Fey's introduction was super funny as was Robert Downey, Jr's.
2. A three-hour show is a little excessive, I think they can cut some of the commercials.
3. Darren Criss was at there! And went on stage when Glee won!! So exciting!
4. The celebs were drinking their fair share of Moet champ. According to google, it's $99 a bottle, but do we expect anything less? Maybe one day I'll drink that kind of champ!
5. They really need to work on the seating arrangements. The entire show could have been only 2.5 hours because people were hiking from their cheap seats in the back.

Oh I just LOVE awards season!!


Dear Kate,

Guess what? Today is your birthday!! I believe that you are having quite the day :o) A day off from work--what could be better? A facial--always a fun thing! The sun shining in January-- Mother Nature's gift to you! And it's a Wednesday so we get to watch Modern Family, and if you were a American Idol fan, that's premiering tonight so that would be exciting. But you're not, so that point is moot.

Today you should make sure that you do the following::
1. Eat cake
2. Have someone sing to you--it can be happy birthday, but brit brit is also a solid choice
3. Watch a fave tv show
4. Read an Us or People
5. Drink a Skinny Vanilla Latte
6. Drink a Vodka Soda or Dirty Shirely
7. Buy some happy flowers (Gerber Daisies are just so happy)
8. Eat some peanut M&Ms
9. Buy yourself something you wouldn't do on a regular Wednesday
10. Eat your favorite dinner!

Ok well, I may do those things for your birthday too! Although finding someone to sing to me may be a little difficult!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Can't wait to celebrate!!


Saturday, January 15, 2011

Quickie Pregnancy

Dear Kate,

Owen Wilson announced on Monday that his gal pal was pregnant. She had the baby boy yesterday. This is strange for a few reasons::
1. That's a quick gestation period, almost too quick, so I have to believe that she was pregnant for the past nine months and no one ever pointed it out.
2. Has he never been spotted with his mysterious girlfriend? Why haven't the tabloids speculated about this? They say that people are pregnant all the time, and they never are (ahem, Khloe Kardashian) and this got passed them? I can see this getting past them between 0-6 months, but after that, it's pretty darn noticeable!
3. Why did he only announce it this week? It's not like he was in seclusion this year. He was out promoting a movie--not a very good one though--and he didn't think that well yeah actually my girl friend that none of you know about is pregnant. I guess that means she never did a red carpet walk? Interesting, Interesting.

Also, Alicia Silverstone is pregnant...and really pregnant. I think this is a good clue to paparazzi to stop following Jersey shore fools and start focusing on the celebs who have their shit tight.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Great Hollywood Expectations

Dear Kate,

Hollywood knows a little something about birthing some babies this week. Every day this week, at least one celeb has announced that they are pregnant. It is a good thing that has a celebrity baby blog and man it is going to be popping (no pun intended) in 2011!

The Beckhams really kicked (again, no pun intended) it off this week announcing their fourth kid is on the way. I'm convinced that they want their own soccer team. Then Owen Wilson said his "girlfriend" is pregnant too. Now, I put that in quotes because I have never heard of this supposed 1-year gal pal. And ironically, the very next day, Kate Hudson announces that she is pregnant with her "boyfriend's" baby. Now, I cannot remember when they broke up but both have significant others who I didn't know about, then they announce they're parents to be just days apart? That's a little tricky. I think there's a story there. Jane Krakowski announced last week she was engaged AND preggers! Now, Selma Blair says her eggo is preggo!

Then there are other people who I don't really know but that chick from Inception, some model/actress. Let's not leave out the speculation around Khloe Kardashian! I would not be surprised by that one.

I can just see the star-studded back to school nights now! The rest of the world can hold off on procreating. Hollywood's got this one covered!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

My Lack of Blogging + Kudos and Boos!

Dear Kate,

I admit it, 2010 was not a very consistent blogging year. And the first week of 2011 was not very bloggy either. But, I have decided, that like my new year's resolution to take my vitamins on a daily, I will begin my blogging-frenzy this week! I know, control your excitement! Let's just hope it lasts past tomorrow!

And now onto Kudos and Boos...

Kudos...The Kings Speech. I have never learned so much about English government then I did this morning watching this movie. I think it should win all the awards. That's right I said it. Colin Firth and Geoffry Rush were superstars. And Helena Bohnam Carter, who is typically super weird was so good as the Queen! Also, there were three Harry Potter people in the movie. Need I say more?
Boos...It's freaking freezing. Unusually cold for this time of year AND for California. Is it too much to ask for 70 degrees on a regular? Apparently.

Kudos...Country Strong. Saw this movie last night (duh you were with me) and it was so good! Special shout outs to Tim McGraw, Leighton Meester (definitely different from the Blair Waldorf we know and love to hate) Garret Hudland and Gweneth. Very enjoyable movie.
Boos...The soundtrack to Country Strong. It's silly, they broke it up into two cds, but the first one has a bunch of the songs by country superstars, not the people from the movie. The second CD is much better though!

Kudos...Real Housewives of Bev Hills. It's official. This is my favorite installment. Followed closely by Jersey and then OC. I feel like we're getting closer to the end of the season, and this stuff just keeps topping each episode! Faves: Adrienne and Lisa Least fave: Taylor (on account of being so boring).
Boos...Well I can't think of one, so we will go with the weekend going by so quickly! If only we had one more day! :(

Ok until tomorrow (I hope!)

The Movie Going Experience

Dear Kate,

In the past two weeks, I have seen a total of 4 movies. Some would call that excessive. I, on the other hand see it as something lonnnng over due. Although it costs an arm and a leg to see a movie, you are really paying for the experience. Yes they are making TVs the size of a house now a days, it still is not the same. I've taken the time to compile some of the key "theater-only" perks that you can't get anywhere else (I know, I'm such a giver)::

1. Soda Fountain Sodas and Popcorn. First of all, yum. Although you could save some moolah with your canned soda and instant popcorn but your popcorn is always cold and not drenched in butter and lacking that key boost of carbonation. Of course you could have a popcorn machine, a "soda-stream" and a size 87 inch tv in your home theater but to have all three of those things, well I find that highly unlikely. And I just love me a soda fountain soda.

2. Previews. Some people hate them, but I love them. And that's where we make our list of movies that we are gonna see! Usually, if I love the trailer, then I will love the movie. But, every once in a while, you do get played by one. For example, the Social Network preview. That really didn't do the movie justice because, well, I had no idea what was going on. But boy oh boy that was a sa-weet movie. But back on track, I love previews.

3. Complete concentration. When you go to the movies, you are there to watch a movie. You wont be interrupted, so it usually has your complete attention. You can't get distracted by a phone call, playing on the computer, what have you. Of course, there could be some twerp behind you kicking your chair but that's what the international sign of "that's annoying" is for. And I admit it, I am one of those people who talk occasionally through movies, but it's to point things out, not to be annoying. It's really a public service.

4. Comradery. This usually comes out when you see a midnight movie (Harry Potter kids really bring it in this type of situation) but I just love it when people are just get so excited to see these movies. They cheer when their faves first appear or they dress up, they are devoted fans. For example, when I saw Dark Night, there were Jokers and Batmans. Then there's Harry Potters, Gryffindor Quidditch players, Snapes! Ahh, just a sucker for comradery.

5. The Big Screen. This is really more for movies like HP, Batman, James Bond, blah blah blah, but there are just some movies you have to see on the big screen!

6. Early Bird Prices. Seeing the first movie of the day? You get like a super discount! 6 something for a movie? That's the best deal around.

It's too bad that they got rid of the trivia before movies though. Those were always entertaining!