Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Kudos and Boos (2 days late)

and without further ado...

Kudos: Julia! Congrats on getting a job at JPL...Jet Proportions Laboratories!!! You are a superstar!!
Boos: Bachelor Jake. He has the season finale of the bachelor the SAME night as the newest cast of Dancing with the Stars was released. Seems like he went on the show for more than just a fiance. At this rate, I feel another Gossling-fame-hungry-celebrity-wannabe coming on. Watch out people.com! Bachelor Jake is here to stay!

Kudos: Bachelor Jason and Molly! Now, although I wasn't a fan of what he did in the season finale (dumped the one he did pick, Melissa something-or-other on live TV and picked his 2nd choice) I wasn't outraged because I don't care for Melissa something-or-other but I was happy when I saw that he and Molly got married! I think them and Ryan and Trista Sutter are the only ones actually hitched. I wonder if Bachelor Jake will make it to the aisle. Doubtful!!!
Boos: John Mayer...lock it up! He is just getting himself into trouble when he opens his mouth...save yourself the trouble and just stick to lyrics!

Kudos: Christopher got in the Vail Fire Program last week!
Boos: Christopher is moving to Vail in 3 weeks.

Kudos: The Olympians!! I admit I was not as good about watching them as I usually am (or at least with the summer olympics) but they done good! Not to shabby USA!
Boos: Kate Gossling. I thought for a second there we were relieved of this car-wreck and then I heard that she's going to be on Dancing with the Stars. I use the word Stars loosely in this cast. While I think it might only be encouraging this desperate attempt to fame, it would have been good trash tv if they put Jon on too. But, then again, I think that we have a little too much of that going on.

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