Monday, March 8, 2010

Yeah Yeah San Carlos!

Unless you have been living under a rock for the past 24 hours, you know that all anyone is talking about is the Hurt Locker. But more specifically, the history that was made last night with the Oscars and Katherine Bigalow taking home gold. Now, here's the best part! Bigelow not only proved her slimy exhasband that she was better but she's also a San Carlosian! That's right, she's from these here parts! Now according to Wikipedia (which Michael Scott tells us that it's reliable because it gets the best information from everybody), her mom was a librarian and her pops was a print factory worker. Was her mom working at the original San Carlos library OR does she still work there? I do have to go to the library tomorrow...maybe i should ask for Mrs. Bigelow!!

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