So, everyone and their mother has commented on the Tiger press conference, but I can't resist.
Now, first, I must say that I was impressed with the way he did defend his wife (but i can't really say that I believe him completely...that SNL skit was just a little too convincing). But the "press conference" (if you could call it that) was not very informative. First of all he didn't take any questions at the end. So really he was just talking. And, he kept saying that everything is private between Tiger and Elin. Why even hold the effin conference?? Give the people what they want and the people want the answers of what happened!
Annnd did you see his mother when they first showed her? She had her arms crossed for the beginning like she was royally pissed off! She did throw me off when they had that hug after the was done but that was definitely just for the cameras.
While he did admit to having affairs, he kept saying the same bullshit over and over again...what a tool.
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