Monday, February 22, 2010

Kudos and Boos (a day late)

Kudos...USA! You beat the Canadians in Hockey. Now, while I do not understand hockey, nor see a reason to have it...well done.
Boos...Tiger Woods. What a tool.

Kudos...Hillary Duff. Engaged and everything and she's only a week older than I am! I don't think so.
Boos...This weather. It was so beautiful when we were in LA (80 degrees and sunny) and now it's cold and raining.

Kudos...Julia! It's your birthday (or at least it was on Saturday...but you know how i feel about celebrating bdays)! I hope your day was so much fun and i am so sorry I was late! We did get her a suuuuper legit card though.
Boos...Plane crash in Palo Alto last week. Although Luckily, no one was hurt, how sad! Ii told you flying was dangerous.

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