Today’s Mom’s birthday so I thought it would only be appropriate to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! She’s having a wonderful day—she’s spending most of it with me! She has been treated like a queen! (This picture's is from two years ago--I'll let you guess her age here--and she is wearing Kelly's Miss Santa Clara Teen crown. Mom's a little jealous Kelly's got a crown and she doesn't)
We’ve had a lovely day so far! We went get her favorite cupcakes from Vanilla Moon Bakery San Carlos, red velvet --yummy!—then I treated her to her usual Skinny Vanilla Latte (I know I am such a giver!) and we went to one of her favorite places—TJ Maxx!
After munching on some lunch, we made our way to one of her usual spots…Costco. (Although she doesn’t really like going to the
When we got home she took her usual 4:00 nap while I organized photos! Tonight we are going out to dinner—the location is top secret but we assume that it is not what Mom picked but rather something that Dad picked. I’ll keep you posted!
This one is of Mom and I in Florence in Dec 2007.