Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Lady Di's Day!

Today’s Mom’s birthday so I thought it would only be appropriate to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! She’s having a wonderful day—she’s spending most of it with me! She has been treated like a queen! (This picture's is from two years ago--I'll let you guess her age here--and she is wearing Kelly's Miss Santa Clara Teen crown. Mom's a little jealous Kelly's got a crown and she doesn't)

We’ve had a lovely day so far! We went get her favorite cupcakes from Vanilla Moon Bakery San Carlos, red velvet --yummy!—then I treated her to her usual Skinny Vanilla Latte (I know I am such a giver!) and we went to one of her favorite places—TJ Maxx!

After munching on some lunch, we made our way to one of her usual spots…Costco. (Although she doesn’t really like going to the Foster City one “I hate this one, I can’t wait till the Redwood City one opens!” so it was a quick trip.

When we got home she took her usual 4:00 nap while I organized photos! Tonight we are going out to dinner—the location is top secret but we assume that it is not what Mom picked but rather something that Dad picked. I’ll keep you posted!

This one is of Mom and I in Florence in Dec 2007.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Read This!

Well, one week of unemployment was successful! But, today I went on an interview and I think things went well—hopefully. I’ll just say it’s an internship in Sunnyvale so cross your fingers! But just wanted to do a shout out for a really good book that I just finished! Carly told me to read it (who was told by Joanne!) and so I borrowed it from Miss Mary and read it and it was fantastic! A perfect book to read before going to Chicago! Oh I suppose I should tell you what it is—The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson.

The book is split into half. One part is basically about the logistics of the Chicago’s World Fair in 1892 and the other is about this serial killer, Dr. H.H. Holmes. If you read this book before bed, I recommend ending on a chapter that has to do with the logistics—the murderer parts are a little spooky…haha

Here’s the link to Barnes and Noble if you want a better review than that. I thought it was a fun read (although my dad didn’t like it…but he reads a lot of books on Cicero and I find that rather boring) and made me soooo excited for Chicago!

Hope your Mondays are all wonderful!

8 days till my birthday!!! (and I guess I should tell you tomorrow is mom’s) : )

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sudden Cancelations

Saturday my Netflix finally came—sometimes those two day turnovers just take so long. This time I got the first disc of the canceled classic, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, (thank you, Carly for reminding me of it). As I blew through the disc and sealed the envelope so I can send it out tomorrow morning (ASAP), I was thinking about all of the shows that I wish were still on the air but didn’t make it due to their less than stellar ratings and the money-grubbing corporate heads. So, due to lack of inspiration of anything more interesting, here is my list of favorite shows—in no particular order—that were taken from us too soon:

1. Studio 60
2. Arrested Development
3. Samantha Who
4. Pushing Daisies
5. Deal or No Deal—I always wanted to go on this show and I just think Howie Mandel is just funny
6. and just because I wish it was still on the air, The West Wing

(By clicking on the show, you go to my personal favorite site for all things Hollywood--IMDB.com)

Alright, well, it turns out that there weren’t too many but those ones were really some of my favorites. Please, studio heads at the major networks, think about what you have done! At least I can find solace in knowing that there will be an Arrested Development movie coming out!

And to prevent another list like this, please watch:
1. The Office
2. Modern Family
3. Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List
4. Any Real Housewives, but most esp. the Orange County wives
5. Glee

I don’t know if these shows are in any danger but let’s not risk it people.

Oh and by the way 9 days till my birthday!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

And so it begins...

Well here it is--my very own blog. After 17 long years of education, I am trying to get used to my very first Fall without school. Being a victim of the high unemployment rate, I have no job, much to my dismay and my parents’. My summer job officially ended on Friday and the past four days have been lovely being able to do what I want and just get in some classic R and R. But I have always been taught you need to come home from vacations so it’s to the job boards I go! I think at this point I am Craigslist number one hit and have approximately 32 variations of my resume (at least as of 2:00 today). So needless to say, I am going a little stir crazy.
I need to keep myself busy which is where this blog comes in. It’s ideally just to keep up my writing as well as keep friends and family informed of my latest and greatest adventures (or lack there of since I have no money). I don’t recommend that you should expect any life changing, poignant or groundbreaking thoughts from this. You should expect random tangents, funny (or what I think is funny) stories and the occasional food for thought.