Monday, September 28, 2009

Read This!

Well, one week of unemployment was successful! But, today I went on an interview and I think things went well—hopefully. I’ll just say it’s an internship in Sunnyvale so cross your fingers! But just wanted to do a shout out for a really good book that I just finished! Carly told me to read it (who was told by Joanne!) and so I borrowed it from Miss Mary and read it and it was fantastic! A perfect book to read before going to Chicago! Oh I suppose I should tell you what it is—The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson.

The book is split into half. One part is basically about the logistics of the Chicago’s World Fair in 1892 and the other is about this serial killer, Dr. H.H. Holmes. If you read this book before bed, I recommend ending on a chapter that has to do with the logistics—the murderer parts are a little spooky…haha

Here’s the link to Barnes and Noble if you want a better review than that. I thought it was a fun read (although my dad didn’t like it…but he reads a lot of books on Cicero and I find that rather boring) and made me soooo excited for Chicago!

Hope your Mondays are all wonderful!

8 days till my birthday!!! (and I guess I should tell you tomorrow is mom’s) : )

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