Thursday, September 24, 2009

And so it begins...

Well here it is--my very own blog. After 17 long years of education, I am trying to get used to my very first Fall without school. Being a victim of the high unemployment rate, I have no job, much to my dismay and my parents’. My summer job officially ended on Friday and the past four days have been lovely being able to do what I want and just get in some classic R and R. But I have always been taught you need to come home from vacations so it’s to the job boards I go! I think at this point I am Craigslist number one hit and have approximately 32 variations of my resume (at least as of 2:00 today). So needless to say, I am going a little stir crazy.
I need to keep myself busy which is where this blog comes in. It’s ideally just to keep up my writing as well as keep friends and family informed of my latest and greatest adventures (or lack there of since I have no money). I don’t recommend that you should expect any life changing, poignant or groundbreaking thoughts from this. You should expect random tangents, funny (or what I think is funny) stories and the occasional food for thought.

1 comment:

  1. i think you shoulc call the blog
    Julies in a GREAT PLACE TO BE
    but thats just my two cents

    also very nice getting a blog
