Friday, July 6, 2012

Watch Out World, Here Comes Clannie!

It's me! Yes I have been MIA lately, but it's summer time. But what better way to kick off the blogging spirit than with a video? I have been talking about doing this for a while, and I have always been perklumped on how to load videos to blogs but BOY it's amazing what google will teach you.

Anyways, last year at Sarah and Tom's wedding, the multi-talented Clannie (a nickname for Claire and Anne Marie, coined by their loving older brother) brought the house down with a song during the ceremony. And even though it was over a year ago, it still brings me to tears every time.

Disclaimer! Before watching, you should know this is Marko's footage. For the first bit, you'll get to truly examine the fabric from Nonni's dress as well as see her hairline throughout the song. And this is much better video than the rehearsal dinner. Yes, Marko should keep his day job.

Not going to lie, the original Elvis version is somewhat mediocre now.

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