Tonight I was scheduled to call in to see if I were to report for my civic duty tomorrow morning bright and early. Seeing as this is my first time being called for the JD (and I'm almost 24--side note: festivities are already in the planning stages), I was somewhat pumped mostly really to see the inside of the Court House. Although the timing is not really ideal, seeing as work is a little cray-cray at the moment, I have to say it would be pretty bomb diggity if I were on a case. Well not something like a murder because that's scary andI have a weak stomach, or a divorce, cause that's sad but maybe something like a neighbor fence dispute or a nice speeding ticket case, just preferably nothing with blood. But I got home tonight I checked the San Mateo Court website to see if I am to come in tomorrow and I got a message saying that I need to call back in tomorrow morning at 11!
I will say this though, the San Mateo County court system is pretty awesome. We only have to call in once (or in my case check back in in the morning) but we don't have to call in Monday through Friday checking in--unlike soooooommmmeee places. And then there are the even more annoying places that make you call in all week then bring you in on a Thursday and put you on a "quick" trial Friday that spills over to Monday when you're supposed to be in San Francisco that weekend. But I'm not going to name names. ;o)
We got dealt a bad one!