Well it's been over two months so I suppose we have a lot to catch up on. It's been really busy filled with work, trips, organizing, and playtime. Since the school year is upon us, I'm also set up with my new school year goals, but alas, I don't want use up all of my posts too soon. And without further ado...
Kudos to Vacations. Ahh how much do I love a good vacation? Let me count the ways. Since I last blogged, I went to Vegas with friends where we were go-go-go but then I rounded out summer with a trip to San Clemente with the fam where we were go-go-read-and-resting-time. Vegas was during one of the hottest weekends on record - we think we hit 115 degrees but we did not want to look at the temps in an effort to stay cool. We stayed at the ever classy Flamingo, pool partied (complete with cabanas) both days, and hit up the clubs. It was awesome. Then last week, I came home from San Clemente. We spent our days with run/walks, tennis matches, eating, shopping on Del Mar, more eating, beach time, eating again, reading and resting time, movies, and more eating. Oh did I not mention drinking? It was awesome. Detoxing on Tuesday, not so much.
Boos to days after vacations. Like I said, detoxing after vacations is always a bumpy road. But paired with waking up to an early alarm, that's the WORST. Oh well, they say it gets easier with time, right? Well still a week later, and I am still bummed my vacations are over, but I guess that just means that I need to plan another trip asap.
Kudos to organizing and list making. This has really been the summer of organizing and list making. Not that I was a disorganized person before, but Kate and I have really come to the habit of writing a list of all the things we want to get done over a weekend. I suppose that sort of dips into the next post for my new school year goals, so I'll get back to that later. But man there is nothing better than crossing something off of the list of things to do.
Boos to working getting in the way of my organizing. Maybe in my next life, I'll be a personal organizer to the stars. Watch out celebrities, I'm going to organize the shit out of your lives!
Kudos to Claire. This is a little premature seeing that she doesn't leave for school for OVER another month, but she's headed to Davis in the Fall. She is keeping the family tradition alive and going to be an Aggie (her godfather, Marko, is super stoked on that). I don't think she's got all her stuff together yet, but she's on her way. I'm personally super excited to have her so close. Maybe I'll blog pictures of my trip to Davis. Maybe. That sounds like a hefty task.
Boos to new school year. Summer FLEW. Isn't that always the case? Just when I get my tan on, or at least a good base tan going, it seems like it's already time for sweaters. But that's why they invented sunless tanner right? And there are still some good days left in the season so it's not a total lost cause.
Okie dokie, that should do it for this first post. Have to ease my way back into it. But I have a couple more blog ideas to post about so it shouldn't be 2 months till my next post. I hope.
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