Thursday, August 22, 2013

Ello week 2...

Well it’s a week into my new routine and I already missed kudos and boos from this past weekend. Are we surprised? Not entirely.

So the past week has been pretty busy. We actually had been pretty active so where to start...

First, on Wednesday night, we went to go see a classic movie. Not only for America, but Carly and I watched it ALL the time in high school. That’s right, we saw "Dirty Dancing" on the big screen. Kate had never seen it and the theater is doing a revamp for old classics (the next batch they were advertising looks bomb too). So we went to happy hour at our fave restaurant by the theater and had some delish raspberry mojitos and then made our way to a really full theater (not completely, but definitely full) of fans. Of course, Carly and I spent the movie whispering “Oh this is my favorite part” or “Oh this is great” or “Kate, this is awesome, pay attention” but we were in a theater with people who most likely had already seen it so we didn’t bother too many people. At least that’s what we’re telling ourselves.

Then on Friday night, we pretended like we were in high school and had a sober night (well for the most part). Malibu Grand Prix was closing on Sunday (the 18th) and since we all had spent many end-of-the-year parties, birthdays, or random adventures playing mini-golf, we decided to give it one last round before we bid adieu. Well we weren’t the only ones who had this bright idea because when we pulled into the parking lot, it was packed. Pretty sure the Malibu employees were annoyed it was never this busy before they announced closing. But no fear, we spotted a Tesla (our good luck charm) and found a spot right in front! But, for a full parking lot, we waited probably 10 minutes in line for our clubs and balls (which was a pleasant surprise) and then made our way to the course and weren’t waiting or being rushed the entire time! It was awesome. I am not going to brag about winning, so I’ll let the instagram below show you how we did. Oh and yes, that is a 1.

We rounded out the evening with a trip to Frozen Yogurt (always a classic) and then tried to watch the Beyonce HBO documentary, but got played by Netflix and started a “unauthorized” version. We didn’t realize we were watching the wrong one until about 10 minutes in and we kept seeing the same 7 pictures being shown and no B or Jay-Z interviews. So we then turned it over to a legitimate music documentary on Taylor Swift. Really, it was as if we were in high school again, but we did have wine…ahh so close. 

So on Saturday, Carly and I went to see “The Way, Way Back.” I had first heard about this movie from the Killer Bees who told me I would really like it back in July. Then when I was in San Clemente, the girls had seen it and enjoyed  it (Carly was obsessed with it – her words not mine) so I was dying to see it. So after weeks of waiting, she and I went to a Saturday morning movie and from the moment the previews started through walking out of the theater, I LOVED it. I laughed. I cried. I could have sat there all afternoon. It was fantastic. I even loved the title – so clever. And no joke on the crying, when the credits started to roll, I had tears (notice the plural) rolling down my face. And then I spent the next day (well actually week) walking around and saying, Oh and this part, wasn't Allison Janney awesome? The part with the eye patch..and so on and so on. It’s very reminisient of Little Miss Sunshine and Juno so you know you’re in good hands. It’s definitely on my “buy this asap” list.

After those exciting things, life has been pretty boring. I’ll have to do something exciting so I have a new blog post for this weekend/next week. But that’s three posts in two weeks. Record!


Monday, August 12, 2013

New goals

I know – I can’t believe it either. Two blog posts in about 25 hours. Whoa, setting a record.

Since the new school year starts for some this week, others next, and for some lucky quarter system kids, mid-late September, I always try and set some new school year goals. This is mostly because after San Clemente, I usually want a fresh start when I get back. I stuff my face during that week and I always say I need to detox (from food, drink, whathave you) so might as well add in a couple other “resolutions” while I’m at it. And of course with my favorite day of the year just around the corner, I’m about to enter my LATE 20’s – holy Toledo, I thought if I put it in writing, I’d be more likely to achieve some of them.

So while I was sitting on the beach last week during vacation, in between downing licorice and mock-frosted-circus-cookies, my wheels began turning on what are some things I can focus on during my detox/renaissance. Here are some things I came up with…

First, there’s always eating healthy and making sure I exercise. The exercise is actually the easier thing to do. I have gotten into a habit of trying to do something active once a day, but I do want to start incorporating toning and pilates/yoga into the mix. The classes that my gym offers aren’t super convienent times and I would always rather do cardio, but people tell me I need to find my Namaste. Where the hell are you dammit?! Now for eating, I always have the best of intentions on Sunday night (usually right after I had dinner and too many sweets). And if I can make it to spin in the early Monday morning hours, then I can usually make it to Monday afternoon, then the afternoon lull gets me every time. Now I am trying to write down everything in advance (to also help with grocery shopping) so I would stick to the plan. We shall see how this goes, because even this morning, I had my mid-morning snack with breakfast. I was a hungry kid. Which leads me to my next goal…

Cooking. My nemisis. I like the end result of cooking, but the process is something I have no patience for. So far, I have only really tried to cook a few solid meals since I have been living on my own. Although, I have mastered the balsamic vegetable pitas and egg sandwiches, I don’t consider those full on “cooking” but more like “I can make this in 10 minutes or less” meals. So I think adding in a couple more recipes into my repitour would be good. I get Cooking Light so I think I am going to take three recipes out of each monthly magazine and try those out. Probably on the weekends, cause let’s face it, I hate cooking during the week. Maybe I’ll post pictures, but seeing as I hate pictures of food, it’s not likely. Or perhaps a compare and contrast…that’s more likely if it looks NOTHING like the image in the magazine.

Next we get Italian. This one always seems to be on my list. My trip to Italy was 6 years ago, and I was able to communicate (albeit slowly) when I got back, but lost it pretty quickly. Lady Di has got the Italian Rosetta Stone CDs so I think I am going to borrow those and whip out my Ciao! textbook from college to work on my conjunctions, my to-be verbs, and how to say “Make me some pasta!”

And finally, it could be that I am sick of my closet, but I am going to try and incorporate jewelry into my every day wardrobe. Now I always wear the same earrings, and usually wear the same bracelets and I don’t think that will change (unless of course the mood strikes me) so really I guess that this only applies to necklaces. Oh well start small.

Oh and blog more so I can keep up writing. J

I am sure there may be more things to add to the list – more blog posts, holler! – but let’s start out with these. 


Sunday, August 11, 2013

Kudos and Boos...from the past two months

Well it's been over two months so I suppose we have a lot to catch up on. It's been really busy filled with work, trips, organizing, and playtime. Since the school year is upon us, I'm also set up with my new school year goals, but alas, I don't want use up all of my posts too soon. And without further ado...

Kudos to Vacations. Ahh how much do I love a good vacation? Let me count the ways. Since I last blogged, I went to Vegas with friends where we were go-go-go but then I rounded out summer with a trip to San Clemente with the fam where we were go-go-read-and-resting-time. Vegas was during one of the hottest weekends on record - we think we hit 115 degrees but we did not want to look at the temps in an effort to stay cool. We stayed at the ever classy Flamingo, pool partied (complete with cabanas) both days, and hit up the clubs. It was awesome. Then last week, I came home from San Clemente. We spent our days with run/walks, tennis matches, eating, shopping on Del Mar, more eating, beach time, eating again, reading and resting time, movies, and more eating. Oh did I not mention drinking? It was awesome. Detoxing on Tuesday, not so much.
Boos to days after vacations. Like I said, detoxing after vacations is always a bumpy road. But paired with waking up to an early alarm, that's the WORST. Oh well, they say it gets easier with time, right? Well still a week later, and I am still bummed my vacations are over, but I guess that just means that I need to plan another trip asap.

Kudos to organizing and list making. This has really been the summer of organizing and list making. Not that I was a disorganized person before, but Kate and I have really come to the habit of writing a list of all the things we want to get done over a weekend. I suppose that sort of dips into the next post for my new school year goals, so I'll get back to that later. But man there is nothing better than crossing something off of the list of things to do.
Boos to working getting in the way of my organizing. Maybe in my next life, I'll be a personal organizer to the stars. Watch out celebrities, I'm going to organize the shit out of your lives!

Kudos to Claire. This is a little premature seeing that she doesn't leave for school for OVER another month, but she's headed to Davis in the Fall. She is keeping the family tradition alive and going to be an Aggie (her godfather, Marko, is super stoked on that). I don't think she's got all her stuff together yet, but she's on her way. I'm personally super excited to have her so close. Maybe I'll blog pictures of my trip to Davis. Maybe. That sounds like a hefty task.
Boos to new school year. Summer FLEW. Isn't that always the case? Just when I get my tan on, or at least a good base tan going, it seems like it's already time for sweaters. But that's why they invented sunless tanner right? And there are still some good days left in the season so it's not a total lost cause.

Okie dokie, that should do it for this first post. Have to ease my way back into it. But I have a couple more blog ideas to post about so it shouldn't be 2 months till my next post. I hope.
