Sunday, Sunday, Sunday. Here we go for Kudos and Boos...
Kudos to the German Tourist Club. On Saturday, Kate and I journeyed up PAST the Golden Gate Bridge and ventured into Mill Valley, a place I have only passed on 101 on our way north! Who knew a place like that existed? After driving a few miles up and then down one windy ass road, we got to the bottom of Mt. Tam and parked with the rest of the Bay Area about a mile away. So we ventured up the trail (see Boos right below) and we managed to eventually find our way to the German Tourist Club where we were able to quench our thirst (and man it was a thirst) with a beer and replenish ourselves with some Kettle Chips (sinfully delicious). This place is so well thought out - beer on tap, beautiful views, and even board games if you're interested! And in typical Kate and Julie fashion, we're already planning the next time to go.
Boos to the hike to get there. Not the whole hike, just the first part. Holy hell, this gives your glutes a serious workout. You're essentially on a stair master for 25 minutes. Both of us were completely winded but maybe that was the heat and it had nothing to do with us being in shape ;-)
Kudos to Jimmy Fallon at the Emmys. His interview on the red carpet was pretty hilarious. He told Lara Spencer (at least I think that's who it was): "I am so happy to be alive. Amanda Bynes drove me here and that girl just breaks the rules." That's right, I laughed out loud. Then he talked about a Honey Boo Boo afterparty. If you can I highly suggest YouTubing it. Then he had a cute stint in the actual show when John Stewart won for the best Variety Show. I should really start watching his show. He did after all come up with the "History of Rap" with JT and that was pretty phenom.
Boos to Amanda Bynes falling off the wagon. Who knows what's going on with her, but she just cannot catch a break. But maybe she should start looking into catching a cab for a while. But who knew the girl from classics like She's the Man, the Amanda Show, What a Girl Wants (that's right, all classics) would do a stint with c-ra-zy!
Kudos to Modern Fam dominating the Emmy's tonight! As they should. Cameron and Claire brought home their own awards and I think they got one for writing and then the major one for Comedy Show. And their bit with the little girl who plays Lily being a crazy fame-crazed star was also solid! And it's coming back this week - yeah ya!!
Boos to Parks and Rec losing! They are phenom and deserve an award, I mean did you see the season premier this week? Maybe next year, maybe next year.
And a slow clap shout out all the shows coming back for fall! And no, I cannot wait to watch How I Met Your Mother tomorrow night :-)
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