Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Oscars: My Thoughts

Well, I wasn't able to enjoy the show from start to finish, and boy did that make me sad. I tried to catch bits and pieces here and there, but due to Lady Di's lack-luster planning skills we were otherwise occupied with a dinner party. We made a deal with Lady Di that we would be the "behind the scenes" geniuses, oh pardon me, genii (she prefers the term "kitchen crew") and we had to keep the volume down on low. This deal was troublesome for two reasons: 1. We couldn't hear all the jokes and 2. I couldn't accurately judge the looks on the red carpet because I wasn't wearing my glasses.

So here are some of the highlights and lowlights from what I did fact we'll call it Kudos and Boos...
Kudos to the MUPPETS! This was LONG overdue, but they finally got it right! Now this award was doubly exciting because the writer of this foot-tappin' melody was the work of musical genius of Brett from Flight of the Concords so in hindsight, Rio had no chance. But when you break down the quality lyrics (I reflect on my reflection/and I ask myself the question/what's the right directio-io-io-ion to go/I don't know) it's a wonder why they ever even nominated another song.
Boos to the lack of musical performances. Part of the hope I had for the only two songs nominated was that they were going to perform this awesome song, oh and that one from Rio. So you can imagine my annoyance when I saw that they didn't. I don't understand how they had a Cirque de Soile performance (definitely fast forwarded that) and not a "Best Original Song" performance. Very strange and not appreciated.

Kudos to Meryl's acceptance speech. I know a bunch of people were bummed that she won again, but the last time she won was in the 80's, so really, it was her time. But getting back on track, her acceptance speech was funny, only one of the few that I actually watched, and she really had me at the opener when she said half the world yawned and then moved right along... bada bing! Then when she really hit it out of the park when she thanked her husband -- which also begs the question, who is that man? What does he do? Does he work? But that's another blog for another time -- anywho, my god that woman is she a legend! Maybe that will be me one day. Psh yeah right, but a gal can dream!
Boos to the lack of awards that went to the Descendants. This was my fave movie of those that were nominated and I thought it deserved to win some serious awards. Alas, the Artist swept...and surprisingly the kid's movie, Hugo (that didn't look that good, but man it was all over the awards at the beginning of the show). Were those movies really that much better than the Descendants? Well I really can't judge since I didn't see those movies. So again, another blog for another day.

And switching gears...for the looks of the night. I am going to pretend I am a part of E! fashion police here for a hot second. And yes, I am fully qualified, I watch enough of it, thank you very much.
Best dressed: I'd go with The Help's Jessica Chastain. The embroidery on the dress paired with her hair on the carpet. Another winner? Jessica's costar, Octavia Spencer. Lots of sparkles so where could she go wrong? And of course Stacy Kiebler's dress was beautiful, but with George Clooney on your arm, it's hard to go wrong.
Not my faves: Rooney Mara, now her dress were fine and all, but the bangs - blech! Not my fave thing ever. Also Angelina...yes I have a personal prejudice to her, so that does tend to cloud my judgement, but I just didn't like her fit. Also Brad needs a haircut.

And another blog for another day...the Jimmy Kimmel Oscar show. But I am tired so alas, maybe tomorrow.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Kudos and Boos

For the first time in what seems like forever....Kudos and Boos!

Kudos to Lisa! It's officially birthday season at the Bonino's and Lisa kicked off the festivities with her birthday today. I am sure if you ask her she'll tell you she's having a super awesome day today, which started off with a delicious breakfast, courtesy of Lady Di and moui and then we went for a pedicure - who doesn't love that? - now she's basking in the glow of getting some work done for this upcoming week (a Sunday tradition).
Boos to Whitney Houston. This bomb dropped yesterday afternoon, and Lisa will tell you I gasped when I read it. Just so sad. I was listening to some of her classic jams earlier today and my god was her voice incredible. Who doesn't love I wanna dance with somebody? How Will I Know? I Will Always Love You? Ugh, just so awesome and so ergo so tragic. I believe the autopsy was scheduled for tomorrow so hopefully we'll know more soon rather than speculate till we're blue in the face.

Kudos to Cathy McAvoy! Tomorrow is her 50th birthday and she's spending it in Disneyland today and tomorrow! Not a bad way to spend your 50th birthday if you ask me. We took her out to lunch on Saturday in San Carlos at Refuge where we all toasted her birthday with a beer (wine of course for Lady Di) but it was just lovely and not to mention delicious.
Boos to Whitney Houston. This death is just so tragic, it deserves two boos.

Kudos to Auntie Elia and Tuesday is her 85th birthday! She's going to celebrate at home and then on Friday she is coming up (with the rest of the Bonino's) north and going to spend it up here. Not sure on all of the plans, but the number one event (thus far) is the whole famdamily is going to the Disney Museum next weekend. Should be a solid event. So Happy Birthday Auntie Elia!
Boos to lack of blogging. Even these Kudos and Boos are lame sauce, but I'm trying to get back into the swing of things and we have a lot of bdays this week. Fingers crossed for better luck next week.

Monday, February 6, 2012


Just a typical Carly-Julie situation.

On Saturday morning, I was on my way to the gym. While I was stopped at a stop light, I grabbed my wallet and pulled out my debit card and put it in my pocket because Kate and I stop for coffee after class. So I go about it without thinking much about it and throw my wallet back over to the passenger seat and then take a moment and think, hold on, that didn't seem right. So I opened up my wallet again and glance down at my id, and said, well that's not me. Luckily, I did know who it was and it was Carly. So I hopped on the phone (hands free of course, people, don't get all hot and bothered) and I asked, hey have you seen your license lately? She reacted as if it was the dumbest question on the planet, however, moments later when she checked her wallet, she said, well, yep, that's definitely you.

How did this happen, you ask? Well, we walked downtown to go to happy hour and I held both ids in my coin purse and then I gave hers (or what I thought was hers) back to her at the end of the night. Well that happened the Friday before. Not the night before, more like the week before. So yes, we spent that whole week walking around with the wrong ids and we didn't even know it. And I even bought alcohol with hers and the checker didn't even bat an eyelash. However I can't go on and say how dumb they are for not noticing since I still took it out of my wallet and showed it to them and put it back no problem and didn't notice it myself.

Attention to detail? Definitely not my strong suit.