Sunday, October 4, 2009


Well it has been a few days and I’ve been slacking. I’m sorry. But this weekend was pretty busy—the celebrations have begun! (oh FYI only 2 days left till I begin my 22nd year!) But, getting back to the point…

Saturday my wonderful friends and I went to “Oktoberfest by the Bay” at Pier 48 in…you guessed it…San Francisco. It also happened to be a LoveFest which was conveniently located on the Embarrcadero as well. Needless to say, when you combine the lovers of the polka, German Beer and strudel with the underagers complete with their Gatorades spiked with clear booze, your result is standing room only on the north bound trains. However, that means that you can pop you bottle of Andre’s Champagne and not receive looks of disapproval from the older riders, those are reserved for the kids in the flashy costumes who can’t stand up straight---ahh I am so old now.

It was a beautiful day in the city (as you can see!) and we saw a bunch of people from Santa Clara and even from Saint Charles! I was surprised to find a lot of little kids there—a lot more than I would have ever expected to see (I honestly don’t know who would take their children to this but people definitely did). But we had a good afternoon and had our fill of lederhosen and sauerkraut and got on our southbound train and headed for home.

Today, my mom and I celebrated our birthdays and went to see Wicked. It was so much fun. I was the only one who hadn’t seen it in the family—well if you don’t count Christopher but he has expressed no interest in seeing it. I have heard the soundtrack on every road trip to LA but I had no idea about what the real story line was. Well, I knew it was about how the Wicked Witch of the West came to be, but knew nothing about the comradery, politics, and scheming that was the glory of Oz. I don’t want to give anything away, but it was tons of fun and this was something I would recommend taking your kids to.

Well, tomorrow the festivities continue and Mom, Dad and I are preparing for our trip to Chicago!

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