So today I went to a hole-in-the-wall liquor store that I pass on a daily basis in Redwood City and bought my tickets. Now I know little to nothing about the lottery, so with $11 dollars and guidance from Lady Di (“I just do quick picks”), I walked into the store that will change my life forever (positive thinking--when has that ever been a bad thing?). I decided on $10 of quick picks and 1 “custom” ticket—I’m sure there’s a more precise name for it, but like I said, I know nothing about the lotto. And they weren't kidding with "quick picks" I think I was in there for 2 minutes total, spending 1.75 minutes picking my custom numbers and 15 seconds getting my quick picks. I was cautious to memorize the other faces of the people before and after me, you know, just in case they win the big money.
So with my fresh tickets in hand on my way home, I did think about all the things that $640 million will buy (well more like half when I go for the lump sum and after taxes). Here are my top 5, in no particular order...
1. Find a pilot with the best track record (most likely a former Air Force One Pilot) to be my personal pilot so I can travel. In fact, I might add a ballerific plane to the detail.
2. Invest in some property, although that sounds so boring, but it will help me roll in the dough later on. But I'll pick some sweet places like Maui, the Caribbean, Italy, someplace in California (I need a home base of course).
3. Hire a personal chef who will double as my grocery shopper--this could be perhaps my least favorite activity. Actually, just creating a personal entourage in general is acceptable.
4. Retire at the young age of 25 (I would continue to work for the next six months…just to stay grounded, but as soon as I turn 25, retirement, here I come).
5. Have my own talk show on Bravo, yes Bravo. While I wouldn't be techincally retired, this has been a dream of mine (and Kate's) since the Real Housewives franchise started with the reunion shows. To be honest, I'd be satisfied with doing just the reunion shows - sorry Andy Cohen, Kate and I will take it from here - and that way, I could still be in retirement.
I am not going to be stupid and tell you what numbers I picked, mainly because I don’t particularly want to share my winnings, but I promise I’ll explain my thought process when I’m interviewed for the news. Let's hope the 1 in 172 million odds are in my favor.