Yesterday morning, I received an email from SparkPeople, as I do every Tuesday morning and when I opened up to glance the links, see if anything struck my fancy, and they had one about the 50 best workout songs of 2011. Now, I am not going to make a list of 50 jams that were on my iPod this year, one because I don't want to and two I don't want anyone making fun of my musical taste, although it is way better than yours. So I'll do a shortened list of 15 that were jamming on my iPod this year, and in no particular order...
1. Till the World Ends
2. Edge of Glory
3. Show Goes On
4. I'll be waiting
5. Born this Way
6. Paradise
7. Party Rock Anthem
8. Not Over You
9. Good Feeling by Florida
10. Any and all Maroon 5
11. Dancing on my own
12. Grenade
13. Who Says
14. We Found Love
15. Domino
And I am not going to lie, Justin Timberlake's "Future Sex, Love Sounds" songs came into rotation pretty regularly throughout the year, and I don't see that changing. And maybe some "Best of" lists can be the theme for these last few blog posts of 2011.